RadonGOG: Maybe there are no big discussions about piracy in Slovakia, but nearly every time I was talking to some gamers about it someone mentioned Titan Quest.
http://www.gog.com/wishlist/games/titan_quest santata: Voted for it.
At the beginning, I thought the solution was DX:HR, which confused me more ways than one.
Confusion will be my epitaph. (I really love this song...)
Yes, Deus Ex lied a big in world reactivity and such things:
But (@Triock) this was nothing in comparision to things done by THQ:
They´ve given all damn companies an argument to use DRM and it was nothing but lies...
Moonbeam: Well done retsuseiba!
Thanks for doing these Radon, love reading these "solve this" threads.
Thanks! I´m glad that this one had become a harder riddle than the last one!
Hopefully (if I get a revelation which game I should use next time) there´ll be another one this week!