Roman5: See: Tons of Franchises and series, hello there half-life
Fenixp: Well I'm pretty damn sure there will be another half-life, it's just a matter of time
No doubt that there will be a sequel to HL
My bet is that Valve is going to release a new Engine when the next generation of consoles hit, then, we can expect to see where the Series goes
However, please do not forget that Valve openly and publicly LIED to people about it's release (in this case, episode 3)
Hey guys, we will get to work on it after L4D
Oh wait, just kidding, we will get to work on it after L4D2
Nah, just kidding, we will get to work on it after on it Portal 2
Haha, fooled you, we will release it after DOTA2
And so on, and so on and it never ends
What's even more disgusting is that regardless of this, some people treat Valve like they can do no wrong and go apeshit when someone says something about their bullshit
It's quite sickening, actually