Pheace: C) Day one DLC sucks, I agree with that. However Portal 2 doesn't have day 1 DLC, not in my definition of it at least. DLC to me is playable content that's cut out of the game. Not Cosmetic items like hats and skins for co-op play which is what's in the portal store.
bansama: I don't agree with you hear. DLC is specifically Down-Loadable Content. It doesn't matter what that content is specifically. If you have to pay for it separately it's DLC. But that's how I define it.
I am curious though, do you have a problem with the Oblivion Horse Armor DLC or do you class that the same as the Portal 2/TF2 DLC?
I guess it's rather a difference between 'bad' DLC and 'allowable' DLC, rather than an argument on the technical term.
I don't care about there being completely irrelevant cosmetic stuff that people can pay extra for if they want.
I do care if it's features/playable content that is locked out from day one. Stuff that would actually be useful, or playable.
Horse Armor, although i was never there to experience I think would fall in the feature part to some extent (assuming it reduces damage?), so the bad part.
After having played F2P MMO's I'm comfortable with the cosmetic stuff. It's a nice addition, for those who want to pay for it, it's a nice amount of extra cash for the developers and it doesn't change any balance whatsoever ingame. Stuff like that I'm personally fine with.
So yeah, even though my explanation of it may not have been accurate my point still stands. I think Cosmetic stuff isn't nearly as 'Devil'ish as Day 1 'DLC' (the bad one)