Arianus: Should I Wait tell after E3 to buy a Playstation 3? or not? Obviously I don't want to spend 600+ bucks on a new console only to have 12 months from now the new incarnation out. What do you guys think?
That's funny, I'm so not like you. I bought Playstation (PSX) and later PS2 only when they were already quite mature and old.
The reason for this is that I buy a console (or gaming PC) for its games, nothing more. When the console is "old", I already have a pretty good idea what titles I'd like to buy for them, and what's even better, those games can be already found in bargain bins. :)
Maybe now I'd feel that PS3 is also ripe enough for picking, with a good selection of games. The only reason I haven't done so is that I still have plenty to play on PS2, even PSX games. I could have bought PS3 earlier for a Blueray system, though.
Oh, that reminds me. The real reason why I haven't bought PS3 yet is that I still have an old non-flatscreen TV (not HDTV) that I am still quite happy with. I feel PS3 power would be wasted on old TV, or so I believe. Maybe if this TV breaks down and I am forced to buy flatscreen HDTV, at that point I will buy also PS3.
Another reason is that frankly I have no idea if there are currently any PS3 games I'd really enjoy. At least the games I see most in the gaming news, like L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain etc., remind me too much of the dark years of PC gaming, ie. "interactive movies". Gameplay is toned down, simplified and in the background, and the beef is "long movielike scenes" with big-name voiceactors. No thanks, I rather watch a real movie.