Hawk52: To play devil's advocate.
It doesn't bug you at all that the quality of modern games have decreased in contrast to their budgets? That you can go out and get a freeware game and have a better gaming experience then three games you paid 60+ each for?
I'm just saying. The idea that free games aren't as good as games you pay for is kind of bunk. They may not look as pretty, sure, but there's a lot of freeware games that put anything big companies have put out to shame.
stoicsentry: What freeware games? Freeware as in abandonware? Or freeware as in plain ol' freeware? How many freeware titles can you name me that actually have a big following.
Minecraft? A few online games with advertising support? What else? I'm sure there's quite a few, but really...
Compare whatever list you make to a list of priced games. Yeah, there you go.
If I said to you, "for the rest of your life, you can only play freeware games or priced games." Which would you pick? I suspect 99% of us would pick priced games.
The quality of a game is subjective, of this there can be no doubt. But there are certain tremendous benefits that priced games have that objectively give them a far greater potential.
It all comes down to the division of labor. Do you want your games being made only by those who work on them in their spare time? Or do you want games being made by professionals, people who have invested their life's work into their products? Do you want games that have a small staff of volunteers or games that have a staff that doesn't have to worry about where their next meal or their housing payment will come from?
It's true that if I slice my hand really badly, I could have a roommate patch it up for me when he gets home from working at the auto repair shop. I mean, he's read a couple books on medicine here and there. That said, I think I would prefer to go to the doctor, who devotes all of his working hours to studying Medicine.
Likewise, my roommate the mechanic will be the one I take my car to if it has problems, even if the doctor works on cars in his spare time.
Same is true in gaming as it is in every facet of life... specialization = potential.
The fundamental belief that these people seem to have is that, "if I can get it for free, why the hell not?" Incidentally, that is the same argument that thieves make. They just want to sugarcoat it.
Again, not supporting all of the copyright shenanigans, but you have to think about it. Is it really fair to not reimburse those who work M-F 9-5 to provide you with the games you want? Of course not. They just want to feel morally justified about ripping those people off.
You seriously need to play more freeware/indy games. The idea that one or two guys can't make better games then a game that costs 100 million to produce with multiple teams is crazy. Go learn how to play Roguelikes and you'll find limitless replayability in multiple styles for little if
any cost. Or go pick up the multitude of indy games that provide far better gaming experiences for pure fun then anything generic shooter #248 made by EA or Activision could produce.
I'm going to put the kabosh on all this morality issue with piracy on these forums.
There is no moral high ground. Every single one of us are pirates. You may not pirate games or software but at some point in your life you have ripped off someone else to further your own desires. Why? Because we're human beings. Let's say you work in an office. You see a really nice fancy pen left in a common area of the work place. You know it belongs to someone, and you estimate the pen is worth probably twenty dollars. You feel the desire to take the pen. Most, if not all of you, will secretly grab the pen. You won't go find the owner and ask where they got the pen. You'll take it outright, figuring "The owner must not care for it, having left it behind". If you do that, if you do not buy your own pen at whatever place sells it, you are a
pirate. You have taken from someone else. Perhaps that pen business needs word of mouth to succeed. Not only have you taken someone' property but you also cost them direct business.
If your niece/daughter/son/whatever has ever come up to you with money, then forget the money, and you pocket it to "safeguard it", but will secretly spend the money on other things?
You are a pirate The very act of taking someone else's property or work for your own selfish greed is piracy. We have *ALL* done it. So sitting here trying to take some type of moral high ground when you probably swapped CD's or floppy's back in the early day of PC's just makes you a hypocrite. And again, I'm pretty sure most of you did that at some point which is again