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I'm a fan of Magic: The Gathering. Sometimes when there's enuogh people, I play Catan (look it up) in board form, although I'm taking a look at the Xbox Live Arcade version.
Dark Heresy For the Ultimate Wiiiiiiiin!!!!
also Space Crusade, Space Hulk, Hero Quest, Talisman, OI dats my leg, Goblins in the Pantry, Risk, Dust, Dragonmech, Battletech, Mechwarrior, Infinity, Warmachine, Risk, Stratego, CHESS!!!!, AT-43, Confrontation, and just loads of other quality games i cant think of just now.
Gaming is my life. I am a complete geek. (shhh its a secret though)
low rated
I read the subject title only... but all I have to say is...
Warhammer 40,000 and Fantasy for me, along with some Vampire/Werewolf roleplaying. Haven't done D&D in forever.
fuNGoo: I read the subject title only... but all I have to say is...

If you disdain people so much, why do you bother hanging out with us?
fuNGoo: I read the subject title only... but all I have to say is...
michaelleung: If you disdain people so much, why do you bother hanging out with us?

Because I'm ever so lonely... I need internet friends.
Kushan: Warhammer 40,000 and Fantasy for me, along with some Vampire/Werewolf roleplaying. Haven't done D&D in forever.

The same - Tabletop miniatures games. Only diference is I don't play Warhammer, but: Confrontation, Confrontation: Age of Ragnarok, Infinity. I start this hobby some years ago.
Well, lets see here. I love Battletech, but haven't played it in years, cause it can take hours to resolve a one on one battle and a day or more if its lance on lance or more. (I'm still going to get the new editions of the rulebooks). I do want to get into Warmachine, but haven't been able to yet. I played a few sessions of the Star Wars RPG, but my group fizzeled out, unfortunately. That was great, we had a player with a Twi'lek character (the head tail people) and he had a little dry - erase board that he'd write things on, and you were only allowed to read it if your charater had Speak Lekku (did I mention the character was a dancer :)) I also have the books for the Traveller and Aftermath RPGs, but have never been able to a group together for them. I also want to get the Deryni Adventure Game RPG, as I love the Deryni world (its based on the books of the same name).
Kushan: some Vampire/Werewolf roleplaying.
both cool I grew up on them! (that kinda stuff isnt so popular here like in the US, and no one in UK cares about the more nerdyboring warcraft-like ones like "dungeons and dragons"!)
was a very strange (mature) 13yr old, roleplaying Tzimisce among other things hehe

Ironically my favorite clan is the Tzimisce. ;) Thanks for the links, I'll have to check those out, though I don't care much for the new setting.
I remember that Starcraft game. Had to pick it up as soon as I realized a PC wasn't involved.
Fun for a short while, but it was based on the alternity system, and didn't keep me or my friends interested.
Risk is the supreme board game.
nuff said.
If I am going to play something other than PC games, then it would be shadowrun or local mutation of D'n'D, or paintball :)
I play boardgames with my workmate, he owns about 50 games (War of the Ring, Caylus, Tichu, and so on). I have only WoW: the boardgame with both expansions.
Moonfear: by that local mutation of D&D you mean Dračí Doupě?
yep :) exactly, but shadowrun is 5,6 times better
Well I'd like to try proper D&D, GURPS and I want to start playing DrD again, but there is noone to play with :( so my rulebooks just gather dust.