soulgrindr: Does anyone here actually USE the term "gay" in a derogatory way?
I certainly don't, and judging by the response to a certain thread a few weeks back, i don't think many here do either.
Actually I have done and still do occasionally. When I've said it, it has no meaning beyond "lame" and it's just not something I think about much. I don't think I'd say it around people who I didn't know/don't know me. If you were aware of any of my posts in the Gay Gamers thread you'd know I'm pretty far from homophobic and I think perhaps it's just a bad habit picked up from school.
Thing is, I'm not convinced I see it as a huge deal. If I say "you bastard" to a mate for some reason, perhaps he beat me at Tekken*, I don't worry about offending those with unwed parents. Context, as is so often the case, is key. With respect to this ad, I think it's a band aid on a bullet wound. We shouldn't be making words taboo, that's beyond pointless. It'd be nice if we could find a way to look down on people who genuinely have a problem with homosexuality. Make those sorts of attitudes worthy of ridicule, and I just don't see that happening by making "gay" an off limit word as an insult.
*Of course no one beats me at Tekken, it was purely hypothetical.