Crosmando: I'm in favor of all console manufacturers going out of business. Just look at SEGA, after they got out of the console manufacture business they eventually put all their old Genesis/Sega CD games packaging neatly with emulation on Steam/DotEmu, which means I can easily (amd legally!) play good old titles like Phantasy Star and Shining Force series.
What does keeping the current console manufacturers in business do for games? They are exclusive-centric closed platforms, by their very existence consoles try to extort gamers to spend hundreds of dollars more on a new platform simply to enrich that company. What does having multiple closed platforms on the market accomplish? It just gouges the wallets of gamers and ensures less people play games. More people being able to afford games means games all being available on a single platform, no more exclusives. More people playing any game they want without having to purchase multiple platforms is GOOD for everyone.
It might be naive of me to say it, but I view the PC as ~the ultimate platform~ because it's more of a universal platform, and the coming era of the multi-platform will effectively ensure this is the case. Even the tired old console fanboy rivalries will fade away when every game is on every platform, including PC, what will they have left to fanboy? Outdated hardware inside a snazzy looking case?
Sadly that means no competition, and no competition means stagnation, if it was not for sony's playstation we still be using cartriges and Nintedos brutal policy against 3rd Parties because they were using outdated reserch from the Atari days.
Hesusio: Well, the Wii-U is that horrible combination of gimmicky and stupidly under powered. The Wii got away with it because it stumbled upon and practically monoplised an enormous market for casual games. Nowadays though, they have actual competition for the casual dollars and very little of their core fanbase is left. Who knew?
That and Nintendo is horribly backwards.
Just look at the e-shop. It's an utter joke. It's like they've been completely complacent since the launch of the Wii. Not a good thing for an electronics company, I'm sure. Because secretly Nintendo hates online, none of their workers were trained for online capability, they rather wish everything was single-player offline and people just buy their games at retail stores.
(Thats my belief after Saturo Iwata said," People do not want to buy online games)