I'm going to throw in my two cents.
Nintendo has access to what in many opinions are some of the best games known to mankind and a platform to deploy them upon for all to enjoy, collect, and cherish.
This is more or less in my opinion, the equivalent of sitting upon gold.
Instead of utilizing this potential goldmine, and filling their pockets with massive profit and bringing games we never were classics to the fore, such as Terranigma.
But what has Nintendo chosen to do? They have chosen to drip feed their consumers, and sell GBA games for the Wii-U. Instead of the logical choice, the 3DS.
All this, and not even at a competitive price!
Let it be said that if Howard Lincoln were to rectally kick Reggie Fise-Aime off the stage at E3 and return to Nintendo, I'd give him a standing ovation. Reggie and Iwata have done nothing to even maintain the bridges that Lincoln and Yamauchi built over the years, lesser still the consumer goodwill and astounding marketing that was had during that era!