hedwards: Speak for yourself. It drives me nuts how Japanese companies fail to make devices that are designed for adults.
Tizzysawr: Adults? Being 25, I don't think I have much growing left to do :P
I've yet to use a controller from any of the Japanese game companies that's large enough for my hands. MS does a pretty good job with it's XBox controllers being large enough, but with that puny PS3 controller if I hold it with those horns in the palm of my hand, my thumbs would be pressing the controls on the opposite side of the control pad. And don't get me started on that Wiifit board, I'm not overweight, but trying to sit on that thing has proven to be impossible.
Like I said, the controllers were designed with munchkins in mind, and they refuse to sell controllers, even as add ons, that are more adultly in size.