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high rated
It would be healthier I think to keep this discussions private. And there is a scammers thread.

As far as I am concerned the people who giveaway stuff can do it just the way they like and gift it to whomever they want. I for one am more a MAHAYO kind of guy but it's up to the giver.

Sure there are scammers, downvoters, trolls, beggars, stealers, hoarders, egocentrics assholes,... on this forum but i still believe this is a better place then most communities. Giving them attention will not make them go away it will make it worse...

Edit: to be clear: i mean no one in particular so don't get offended.
Post edited May 19, 2014 by xxxIndyxxx
Tarnicus: Strange how some are really appreciating my efforts and others aren't...

I've attached a screenshot of our entire PM conversation on this matter and people will make up their own minds either way. I don't mind if I'm not liked for doing this. I don't mind if I am banned from the forums, which technically isn't possible as these scammers have taught us...

Until there is a system in place to minimise the chances of this happening, as per the Let's discus your experiences with the forum thread (read the post of teshra's that I am quoting if you're interested in a bit of forum history and the 'why' of this), I'll be keeping my eye out :)
JustSayin: Your comment and the comment you replied to were fucking great!

I found out about this Ninja thread a couple of weeks ago. I have not gotten a game from here, never even tried. My purpose was to lurk and watch. I only did that because of exactly what Teshra said. I was sick of seeing people constantly give beggars games.

During the first Insomnia sale (when I first came to the forums) I was going through the official sale thread and I saw lots of "I missed this game can someone give it to me?" And they got it every time. Join date: same month and year as the sale. It was the same thing in the Ninja thread. The same people were getting games.

I for one am glad you are doing this. Hell I looked at Valheim(?) Steam profile and he has not only numerous games not played, no game played over 3 hours, but one game played for 20 minutes but has all 54 achievements. But he'll still come back and get free shit. Just like when he left for 3 weeks and came back 5 days later. Or when he said he wasn't going to claim games for a month only for that to last two weeks.

This is probably incoherent because I need to be sleep. Hopefully you can understand a little bit of it. And I have no idea why I capitalized "Nnija".
Thanks for that reply :)

For any concerned, this is a learning by doing thing for me. That means that my intent is to call people on their bullshit and educate people on some of the practises going on here. If I am wrong on something I will admit it when shown otherwise. That is why I wrote out what I did above re how this interaction started and continued.
RWarehall: What great Gogers, doorrepped my post for stating the truth. This is what is wrong with the forums right now. Screw you mystery downreppers, I hope GoG investigates and cuts you off from your accounts.
Aveweto: same here look at last page almost all posts with peoples own oppinions got downrepped, ive lost 2 rep myself but i dont really care tbh

edit: 3 rep lost while typing this lol
I fixed your Problem.
RWarehall: What great Gogers, downrepped my post for stating the truth. This is what is wrong with the forums right now. Screw you mystery downreppers, I hope GoG investigates and cuts you off from your accounts.

As to Venheim, I could swear I saw him mention using some program to fool Steam into get Steam trading cards and it probably allows him to add unearned achievements. Thought that was shady...
Yes it appears a script is running to downrep as it often is in this thread. I always try to balance that out with +1s where I see blanket downrepping going on, and since posting this it appears that others are either manually uprepping or running a script to counter it :)
Tarnicus: ....
The main benefit of being the GOG Sheriff would obviously be being able to wear riding chaps ALL DAY LONG! I've been doing some shopping online, and came across these. Do you think they'd suit me?
Exoanthrope: Go for it! ;D I don't care what anyone says, I haven't known you long, but you're like my hero on this site.
Melhelix already made me a badge :D Thanks for the laugh and effort for doing so :)
Post edited May 19, 2014 by Tarnicus
I'll put my 2 cents in and say in regards to the PM posting thing that I don't think it's all that bad in this context, if it had say someone's RL info or was a more personal problem or something along those lines then I'd have issues with it.

The manner of what was said in that conversation is something that I've seen in various threads and no one has trouble when someone post's a link to it. Like I said if it had been more personal in nature then there would have been an issue.

I don't think there was a problem in the conversation ( referring to RabiatorG0G) I think it was a way to explain how things got where they are/were.
Four hours...
Post edited May 19, 2014 by NameGoo
NameGoo: Three hours...
NameGoo: Three hours...
lugum: To?
Are you not a Ninja? Figure it out. :P
sry tarnicus from where im standing ure already way too high up there to notice if or when ure wrong so please dont say you admit when you see youre wrong coz obviously that isnt the case especially since you seem to temper with the own evidence you provide, despite me disliking your PM posting in here you seemed to fail to include all those links in these PM's didnt you?
RabiatorG0G: The end justifies the means, huh, Tarnicus? While I applaud your effort to rid the forum of scammers and the like, please get off your "sheriff's" high horse. Do not make PM's public, period. If there is a problem with a private conversation, go report it to one of the blues. And frankly, this: " I don't mind if I'm not liked for doing this. I don't mind if I am banned from the forums, which technically isn't possible as these scammers have taught us..." discredits you in my eyes, which i s a shame, because I followed some of your posts over the last few days, and I liked them.

Concerning Grunthos: I had a beef with him a while back, and I had the same first impression of him like you seem to have. And he was kind of an ass. But he apologized to me, and afaik has given away games and has toned down taking games for himself quite a bit. So w/o knowing or wanting to know all the details, I consider him a part of the community and not a scammer/leecher per se.

Please try not to become a bully.
Thank you for writing this. I thought that grunthos64 saying that I failed to share his proof as mentioned earlier in this thread was his way of saying that I was telling a partial story, hence screenshot of our conversation. In won't do so in future unless I am being called a liar(which is what I interpreted it).

Please remember guys that the FIRST mention of grunthos64 in relation to me taking a look at the history of what has been going on(I have had a couple of extended absences) was by him in this thread. I had no intention of posting anything about him whatsoever as someone who continually takes is far different from someone caught lying red-handed and scamming, as was the case with Venheim.

To clarify what I meant by "don't mind if I'm not liked for doing this. I don't mind if I am banned from the forums, which technically isn't possible as these scammers have taught us..." is that whenever one says anything, there will be people who agree, disagree and have all manner of opinions inbetween. I am aware that some don't like what I am doing because it exposes what they have been up to. I am aware that some don't like what I am doing because of the methods used, none of which are illegal. Every bit of information I have found has started from these forums.

My comment on being banned from the forums(as per grunthos64's suggestion) and that it wouldn't bother me was because if that were to occur, is because if this community continues to change the way it has by becoming a magnet for greed without anything being done about it, then I would rather not be part of it.

Concerning grunthos: I posted some of the links to giveaways that he has done above, and others have shown their support for him.

I am not meaning to appear to be on a high horse, I find some of the titles that people have given me rather amusing. Could you explain how I am appearing to be?
Aveweto: sry tarnicus from where im standing ure already way too high up there to notice if or when ure wrong so please dont say you admit when you see youre wrong coz obviously that isnt the case especially since you seem to temper with the own evidence you provide, despite me disliking your PM posting in here you seemed to fail to include all those links in these PM's didnt you?
Post edited May 19, 2014 by MunkiSiren
Aveweto: sry tarnicus from where im standing ure already way too high up there to notice if or when ure wrong so please dont say you admit when you see youre wrong coz obviously that isnt the case especially since you seem to temper with the own evidence you provide, despite me disliking your PM posting in here you seemed to fail to include all those links in these PM's didnt you?
The above links I mentioned were PMd to me by someone during this conversation here. I was unaware of them.
Aveweto: sry tarnicus from where im standing ure already way too high up there to notice if or when ure wrong so please dont say you admit when you see youre wrong coz obviously that isnt the case especially since you seem to temper with the own evidence you provide, despite me disliking your PM posting in here you seemed to fail to include all those links in these PM's didnt you?
Tarnicus: The above links I mentioned were PMd to me by someone during this conversation here. I was unaware of them.
then why not make that perfectly clear upon posting them? you seemed very eager to clarify all your actions in this matter
Aveweto: sry tarnicus from where im standing ure already way too high up there to notice if or when ure wrong so please dont say you admit when you see youre wrong coz obviously that isnt the case especially since you seem to temper with the own evidence you provide, despite me disliking your PM posting in here you seemed to fail to include all those links in these PM's didnt you?
wait wait, i just searched a bit by going back in this thread and i posted the links to Tarnicus via PM , so he couldn't have posted them previously

Users should interact through PMs in those cases; to avoid such issues .

I'm not very fond of about what Tarnicus did, but someone would have do this sooner or later due to the lack of moderation in this forums.
Post edited May 19, 2014 by DyNaer
low rated
Aveweto: then why not make that perfectly clear upon posting them? you seemed very eager to clarify all your actions in this matter
The questioner is being questioned.
This is better than TV.