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grunthos64: cutting down on my time here. tarnicus's witch hunt left a bad taste in my mouth
You're just upset because I asked you via PM if you could show me the giveaways that you said over 2 months ago you were going to do when you had your last cry about being called out on these forums for continually taking and never offering anything back in return.

This is how I replied to you:

Nope I'm not the sheriff of GOG but wouldn't that be cool if I was? Here's how I'd imagine it...

I'd love my own shiny badge with a GOG bear on it and a gun that shot game codes that would explode the computers of those who are purely here to take games and nothing more. In fact, you know those 4 codes I gave you for my birthday giveaway last year(when your rep strangely wasn't what it is now)? The might have those powers...

The main benefit of being the GOG Sheriff would obviously be being able to wear riding chaps ALL DAY LONG! I've been doing some shopping online, and came across these. Do you think they'd suit me?

Edit: quotes from PMs removed but I had to keep the sheriff comment in order to make the attached pic make sense :)
hi_chaps.jpg (57 Kb)
Post edited May 19, 2014 by Tarnicus
last post for a while here maybe ever

go back two weeks tarnicus i gifted out a shit ton, go ahead ask the community. u failed to mention the proof i gave u

ur an ass and should be banned go to hell
high rated
Tarnicus: ....
The main benefit of being the GOG Sheriff would obviously be being able to wear riding chaps ALL DAY LONG! I've been doing some shopping online, and came across these. Do you think they'd suit me?
Go for it! ;D I don't care what anyone says, I haven't known you long, but you're like my hero on this site.
high rated
grunthos64: last post for a while here maybe ever

go back two weeks tarnicus i gifted out a shit ton, go ahead ask the community. u failed to mention the proof i gave u

ur an ass and should be banned go to hell
Strange how some are really appreciating my efforts and others aren't...

I've attached a screenshot of our entire PM conversation on this matter and people will make up their own minds either way. I don't mind if I'm not liked for doing this. I don't mind if I am banned from the forums, which technically isn't possible as these scammers have taught us...

Until there is a system in place to minimise the chances of this happening, as per the Let's discus your experiences with the forum thread (read the post of teshra's that I am quoting if you're interested in a bit of forum history and the 'why' of this), I'll be keeping my eye out :)

Edit: screenshot of PM removed
Post edited May 19, 2014 by Tarnicus
Tarnicus you're creepy. You maybe doing the right thing, but your methods still creep me out.
high rated
doesnt matter why ure doing this or what your incentive is but i personally thinks its pretty low to post whole PM conversations in screenshots in a troll driven thread like this, guess why they are called "private messages" or would you like it or even encourage people to post complete PM transcripts with you?
Post edited May 19, 2014 by Aveweto
ejiki: Tarnicus you're creepy. You maybe doing the right thing, but your methods still creep me out.
I can understand that sentiment but who told you what my methods are...if you keep saying things like that people will stop me accessing their webcams to look at them in the shower :(
Aveweto: doesnt matter why ure doing this or what you incentive is but i personally thinks its pretty low to post whole PM conversations in screenshots in a troll driven thread like this, guess why they are called "private messages" or would you like it or even encourage people to post complete PM transcripts with you?
Context as always is important. Grunthos64 said I failed to mention the proof he gave me in this thread, so I copied the entire conversation on the matter. I didn't post any of my contact beforehand.

If people refuse to PM me as a result, that is fine with me. My mailbox gets pretty overloaded as it is.
Post edited May 19, 2014 by Tarnicus
high rated
grunthos64: last post for a while here maybe ever

go back two weeks tarnicus i gifted out a shit ton, go ahead ask the community. u failed to mention the proof i gave u

ur an ass and should be banned go to hell
Tarnicus: Strange how some are really appreciating my efforts and others aren't...

I've attached a screenshot of our entire PM conversation on this matter and people will make up their own minds either way. I don't mind if I'm not liked for doing this. I don't mind if I am banned from the forums, which technically isn't possible as these scammers have taught us...

Until there is a system in place to minimise the chances of this happening, as per the Let's discus your experiences with the forum thread (read the post of teshra's that I am quoting if you're interested in a bit of forum history and the 'why' of this), I'll be keeping my eye out :)
Your comment and the comment you replied to were fucking great!

I found out about this Ninja thread a couple of weeks ago. I have not gotten a game from here, never even tried. My purpose was to lurk and watch. I only did that because of exactly what Teshra said. I was sick of seeing people constantly give beggars games.

During the first Insomnia sale (when I first came to the forums) I was going through the official sale thread and I saw lots of "I missed this game can someone give it to me?" And they got it every time. Join date: same month and year as the sale. It was the same thing in the Ninja thread. The same people were getting games.

I for one am glad you are doing this. Hell I looked at Valheim(?) Steam profile and he has not only numerous games not played, no game played over 3 hours, but one game played for 20 minutes but has all 54 achievements. But he'll still come back and get free shit. Just like when he left for 3 weeks and came back 5 days later. Or when he said he wasn't going to claim games for a month only for that to last two weeks.

This is probably incoherent because I need to be sleep. Hopefully you can understand a little bit of it. And I have no idea why I capitalized "Nnija".
high rated
ejiki: Tarnicus you're creepy. You maybe doing the right thing, but your methods still creep me out.
Tarnicus: I can understand that sentiment but who told you what my methods are...if you keep saying things like that people will stop me accessing their webcams to look at them in the shower :(
Aveweto: doesnt matter why ure doing this or what you incentive is but i personally thinks its pretty low to post whole PM conversations in screenshots in a troll driven thread like this, guess why they are called "private messages" or would you like it or even encourage people to post complete PM transcripts with you?
Tarnicus: Context as always is important. Grunthos64 said I failed to mention the proof he gave me in this thread, so I copied the entire conversation on the matter. I didn't post any of my contact beforehand.

If people refuse to PM me as a result, that is fine with me. My mailbox gets pretty overloaded as it is.
thats not my point you said yourself that "Grunthos64 said I failed to mention the proof he gave me in this thread" thats one thing but PM's arent the thread youve mentioned so in my books you went too far posting the PM conversations, it would have been a valid point if you had posted links to the thread posts however but this aint justified imo
high rated
I will say I do recall grunthos64 giving out Arkham: Origins. Not sure in what thread, but it did occur. It was one of those guess what game I'm giving away and you win it things.
high rated
RWarehall: I will say I do recall grunthos64 giving out Arkham: Origins. Not sure in what thread, but it did occur. It was one of those guess what game I'm giving away and you win it things.
I've found it
high rated
What great Gogers, downrepped my post for stating the truth. This is what is wrong with the forums right now. Screw you mystery downreppers, I hope GoG investigates and cuts you off from your accounts.

As to Venheim, I could swear I saw him mention using some program to fool Steam into get Steam trading cards and it probably allows him to add unearned achievements. Thought that was shady...
Post edited May 19, 2014 by RWarehall
high rated
RWarehall: What great Gogers, doorrepped my post for stating the truth. This is what is wrong with the forums right now. Screw you mystery downreppers, I hope GoG investigates and cuts you off from your accounts.
same here look at last page almost all posts with peoples own oppinions got downrepped, ive lost 2 rep myself but i dont really care tbh

edit: 3 rep lost while typing this lol
Post edited May 19, 2014 by Aveweto
high rated
The end justifies the means, huh, Tarnicus? While I applaud your effort to rid the forum of scammers and the like, please get off your "sheriff's" high horse. Do not make PM's public, period. If there is a problem with a private conversation, go report it to one of the blues. And frankly, this: " I don't mind if I'm not liked for doing this. I don't mind if I am banned from the forums, which technically isn't possible as these scammers have taught us..." discredits you in my eyes, which i s a shame, because I followed some of your posts over the last few days, and I liked them.

Concerning Grunthos: I had a beef with him a while back, and I had the same first impression of him like you seem to have. And he was kind of an ass. But he apologized to me, and afaik has given away games and has toned down taking games for himself quite a bit. So w/o knowing or wanting to know all the details, I consider him a part of the community and not a scammer/leecher per se.

Please try not to become a bully.
high rated
RWarehall: I will say I do recall grunthos64 giving out Arkham: Origins. Not sure in what thread, but it did occur. It was one of those guess what game I'm giving away and you win it things.
Yes and a bunch of links given to me in PM as well:

I'll write a quick summary of this:

1/ grunthos64 has a history of receiving generosity gets called on it 2 months ago
2/ I noticed it and looked into it a little further
3/ I sent grunthos64 a PM to see if he kept his word on the giveaways(a common pattern I am noticing, the promise of future gifting)
4/ grunthos64 responded as above
5/ he posts in here because of my "witch" hunt and the conversation is as above

There was no mention of me publicly accusing him of anything and this began in PM. The only thing public is in this thread.