genkicolleen: Your choice, of course, but sadly, grunthos64 is correct -- a lot of us have been hit by dereppers, just because they've decided that they don't like us. Even the really highly-repped have been targets! It's sad but true... and just watch, I imagine my rep will drop even more because of this post, but I don't care. The rep system here at GOG has died -- time for a new system!
Momo1991: In case anyone missed it ;-)
Read it if you like, follow the concepts if you like.... just hoping to make this amazing forum a bit better ;-) Oh and spooky action (it's post 51 ;-p)
well i don't drop free codes since a long time , because of the lurker, way before the mass derep "game" >.>
second as i said to grunthos, i will use the join date as rule for future ga , at least nobody can cheat or do whatever with the join date to my knowledge
lastly : it's so low to downrep old posts .... >_<
But you know, the moderation isn't very high here, so i guess such things couldn't be avoided , idiots & abusers will always exists. So if GOG don't moderate much more the forums , i don't see how this could be stopped , except some actifons from users, but it won't be enough ihmo :( .