Momo1991: Dude, I had to call off a really angry husband after you mistreated a forum member. Keep your tongue in your pants. Plus I saw you scam a gifter with the whole "it wasn't skydrift deal" Go back to scamming on Steam - this is a nice forum with nice people.
~forum mother over and out~
Ilovecrystals: I didnt mistreat any one. And also, I did not scam. The person offered two games skydrift and sine mora. i asked for skydrift, another asked for sine mora. the gifter accidentally sent me sine mora. without activating you can not know what a game is, i found out it was actually sine mora. so i told the gifter. i did not ask for skydrift again. it was his generosity that he gave it. it was not a scam.
Lets' just say that if this were the wild west and you treated some guys wife the way you did alloy, you would be dead in the dust... go away troll. Seriously. I will hunt you down myself for treating a girl that gifted you a game like a piece of meat. GO AWAY and don't come back until you learn some basic human manners...
Also, I call BS on the whole "it wasn't the right game boohoo..." Go back to scamming newbies on Steam cause this forum will bite your troll ass and catch you and you kind of scam artistry out every time. Yeah you might make off with a game or two but we are taking this forum back from the scammers and the trolls by calling them out when we see them. Tell you friends to look elsewhere for a good place to loot cause the GOG forum is closing ranks against you and your kind.