Posted April 10, 2014

Just because we disagree doesnt mean I hate you.
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: Feb 2013
From United States
Posted April 10, 2014

When I went to get the link for my next one at Steam, it made me enter my birthday, which of course means it was rated M, which brings up a sticky question here I suppose. sleep depraved state, so gonna post here, go pray at the sleep god's temple again, and see if anyone offers any feedback on this dilemma.
But seriously, once forum member stated that he was under-age, that his parents would not approve of him playing a specific game and then begged me up one side and down the other for an M-rated game I'd snagged on deep discount. I refused. Again, and again, and again... despite the "I got permission!" comments...
However, if a forum member does not publicly state such, I'm assuming that the recipient is old enough to play any gift. Personally I never censored my son and he's turned out to be a moral human being - the point being that as a parent, real-life education about charity, right and wrong, etc. are the important parts - not what entertainment a kid gets their hands on.

Just because we disagree doesnt mean I hate you.
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted April 10, 2014
Free music Thursday! Get Yesterday's Today here:
(One of my better tracks)
(One of my better tracks)

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted April 10, 2014
It's time for my final giveaway, which is Defenders of Ardania.
This game looks completely awesome! If any game could get me in to Tower Defense, this would be it! The graphics are gorgeous, reminding me of Ys. The Ark of Napishtim for PS2.
This game looks completely awesome! If any game could get me in to Tower Defense, this would be it! The graphics are gorgeous, reminding me of Ys. The Ark of Napishtim for PS2.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Australia
Posted April 10, 2014
low rated

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States

mmm . . . things
Registered: Jan 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted April 10, 2014
If you happen to know they are under age for the game, and it can be proved, then there is the slightest if not highly unlikely chance it could be a problem.
Overall I don't think it is something worth thinking about apart from that, and the terms of service do state in general that "Service is available only to individuals who are of legal age to form a binding contract and legally permitted to use the Service" which means an underage person using the site should be under the supervision of someone old enough, or at the very least the person allowing it is then legally responsible for anything like this.
Overall I don't think it is something worth thinking about apart from that, and the terms of service do state in general that "Service is available only to individuals who are of legal age to form a binding contract and legally permitted to use the Service" which means an underage person using the site should be under the supervision of someone old enough, or at the very least the person allowing it is then legally responsible for anything like this.

Old Fat User
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted April 10, 2014
Dog tired... can't focus... yet can't sleep...
Worst case ever in my life. Would consider a trip to the ABC store just to buy a bottle of anything and chug it down to see if that would at least make me pass out, but Im in no shape to drive because I can't focus. This sucks.
If there's a ninja out there that wants this, I'll give it to the first poster that uses it's name in a sentence.
PS: Forget sometimes in an international forum here. ABC store equals Alcoholic Beverage Control Store, state run stores where it's the only place legal to purchase anything harder than wine here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA.
Worst case ever in my life. Would consider a trip to the ABC store just to buy a bottle of anything and chug it down to see if that would at least make me pass out, but Im in no shape to drive because I can't focus. This sucks.
If there's a ninja out there that wants this, I'll give it to the first poster that uses it's name in a sentence.
PS: Forget sometimes in an international forum here. ABC store equals Alcoholic Beverage Control Store, state run stores where it's the only place legal to purchase anything harder than wine here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Australia
Posted April 10, 2014
low rated

Worst case ever in my life. Would consider a trip to the ABC store just to buy a bottle of anything and chug it down to see if that would at least make me pass out, but Im in no shape to drive because I can't focus. This sucks.
If there's a ninja out there that wants this, I'll give it to the first poster that uses it's name in a sentence.
PS: Forget sometimes in an international forum here. ABC store equals Alcoholic Beverage Control Store, state run stores where it's the only place legal to purchase anything harder than wine here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA.
Post edited April 10, 2014 by Spartan717

AFK for 3 weeks
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted April 10, 2014

Worst case ever in my life. Would consider a trip to the ABC store just to buy a bottle of anything and chug it down to see if that would at least make me pass out, but Im in no shape to drive because I can't focus. This sucks.
If there's a ninja out there that wants this, I'll give it to the first poster that uses it's name in a sentence.
PS: Forget sometimes in an international forum here. ABC store equals Alcoholic Beverage Control Store, state run stores where it's the only place legal to purchase anything harder than wine here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA.

Lone Wanderer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Hungary
Posted April 10, 2014

Worst case ever in my life. Would consider a trip to the ABC store just to buy a bottle of anything and chug it down to see if that would at least make me pass out, but Im in no shape to drive because I can't focus. This sucks.
If there's a ninja out there that wants this, I'll give it to the first poster that uses it's name in a sentence.
PS: Forget sometimes in an international forum here. ABC store equals Alcoholic Beverage Control Store, state run stores where it's the only place legal to purchase anything harder than wine here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA.

Bowl of Cherries
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted April 10, 2014
In many U.S. states that regulate alcohol heavily, ABC stores are government-controlled stores overseen by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Alcoholic Beverage Control = ABC.
Edit: Oh, whoops, that was explained above. Never mind me.
Edit: Oh, whoops, that was explained above. Never mind me.
Post edited April 10, 2014 by LinustheBold

still sober
Registered: Dec 2011
From Brazil

Daring Dragoon
Registered: Mar 2009
From Netherlands
Posted April 10, 2014
Does anybody want a free classic Tex Murphy game?
Sure you do: BY6HNFEA
Sure you do: BY6HNFEA

^^ Bobik ^^
Registered: Jan 2013
From Czech Republic
Posted April 10, 2014
Queen - Under pressure
Awesome. Taken by me ^^. Thanks so much!
Awesome. Taken by me ^^. Thanks so much!
Post edited April 10, 2014 by truhlik77