Posted March 09, 2014
I personally think a take one/give one is both a good idea and a bad idea. It's good on one hand because there is some expectation to give back - not just take/take/take. OTOH, the ninja thread was supposed to be a kind of place you could go if you were really poor and a place for gifters to just gift without expecting anything in return. Once you start imposing rules that have no basis for enforcement then you're gonna run into finger pointing and name calling and all kinds of crap.But it IS a good idea, I just don't think the ninja thread is the place for it...way too established as a place that doesn't have any rules. Heck a whole bunch of people don't even say thank you...
Anyway, just my thoughts... oh and the "Open This Thread" is a great beginning though I'd check with the OP before co-opting his thread. ;-)
Anyway, just my thoughts... oh and the "Open This Thread" is a great beginning though I'd check with the OP before co-opting his thread. ;-)