YogSo: Oh, c'mon, stop already with this bot paranoia. Everytime someone outside the 'usual suspects' grabs a code, the 'bots are robbing us!' posts start again. He/she is clearly reading us, and doesn't want to partake in our silly conversations. That's his/her prerrogative.
To the gifters: there are very easy methods to avoid bots getting to the codes, like that thing about changing the last A for a 4. Just do it, and stop worrying about hypothetical bots from outer space.
I didn't want to come back to this, but if you insist:
-The only thing that's ever been reported by him to say, was the same sentence "Thank you"
-This always happened after a code was grabbed
-It is possible to code a bot to scan forums for certain things, for example a word composed of 4x4 letters with lines separating them.
If he ever did say something, anything, beside "Thank you" then yes it would be apparent it was just a guy who's not a regular. But, since "Thank you" is all he ever says, it made him look like a bot. After that brief moment when he changed the title below his name to say "Silent Ninja", it became apparent the person behind the username is actually a person, just a little shy (or, his thing is to be as ninja as possible), but really, before that, given the evidence there is, can you blame me for thinking that might have been a bot?