Thespian*: Vulcans, we aim to please. :p
so what do you get outa it? as that requires a desire to make people happy? and while the emotion and desire will exist it is rarely expressed so hmm :p
disclaimer obviously im meaning the Vulcan thing and not saying you dont want to as a person! as if you take the above out of context it sounds like im insulting you!
mabrookes: Not sure why but a coupon for 25% off Broken Age on steam has appeared in my inventory, anyone want it?
Thespian*: sgt83 explained the reason here ;)
im not the only one but i own more than one game and only got one coupon so i suspect the system will be spewing out coupons for the foreseeable future! May the coupon gods
not take this as a request for more coupons please :p