gegog: Thought about making this a gift too, but after clicking the button during the promo the "gift or buy box" never popped up :(
Anyway, drop still available
gegog: I followed the original threads in the original locations for a while, but haven't been there for the time being. Nice reminder. I wonder, what happened?
Good question. At the end only a few know it but not the public. It is a secret. But there is a new Cicada 3301 puzzle this year and there will be a Cicada 3301 every year starting in January.
All Cicada 3301 puzzles and solutions are on the wiki.
I have also read many things about this puzzle and the people behind it, to sum it up these are awesome and very interesting puzzles with many good ideas =)
Nice to see, that some more people here know Cicada 3301