Posted January 17, 2014

how do you say "more beer please?" in german? i dare not use google translate as it might lead me to say something utterly idiotic if not totally broken.

But thats not good German. Better: Bitte noch ein Bier.If you want 1 glas or a bottle. Or: Noch ein Halbes (1/2 ltr.) Noch ein Mass (in Bavaria they sell it in Mass = 1 ltr. Or: Kann ich noch eines haben.
If the service is nice: Kannst du mir noch eines machen.
If you want to order for you and your friends: Noch eine Runde bitte.
If you want more than 1 for yourself you must say how many glasses/bottles, cause normally they don't sell it in tanks for
self service at the table.
And make sure where you order is not beer....there are Pils, Alt, Weizen, Alkoholarmes, Weisse, Bock, Kö name only a few.