stg83: Thanks a lot for confirming my suspicions and opening my eyes regarding this deceptively seductive GOG community BlueMooner, I had a feeling that sinister forces were at work preventing me from getting my first star. I will now be constantly looking over my shoulder being vary of the next guy trying to bring my rank down and steal the precious star of mine. ;)
BlueMooner: Mwaahahaha, fool ! He does not see how he is already ensnared in my web. Instead of being a threat to my own two stars, I will use him against my rivals. Long will they rue the day!! My empire grows and soon... wait. Is... is my voice to text on? Dammit off! Off! Damn you, where the hell is the stupid butto
I did guess right about BlueMooner. He's actually a Romulan in disguise! :p
SCPM: To celebrate the fact that I've recently become a Godfather...