Stooner: I think you aren't proud of that.... ;p
lugum: which part? i am trying for another "free' game, that i forgot about it ,or actually have a copy of it? :p
i dunno it was probably on sale. have never played it.
when i had to sort my cds , i forgot about half of what i had :p
about having a copy of that incredible game, of course! ;p
it's still closed? wow
AFnord: I guess I'll give the demo a try then, and to see if it beats a good hot dog.
You know what David Hasselhoff image is not full of win? [url=]This one[/url] (It mentally scars you. Ever since I first found it 10 or so years ago, it has haunted me)
YogSo: Hahahah, I'm not clicking on that link, because I'm quite sure I know the picture you are talking about. :-P And if you search around enough, you'll find an animated gif version that loops endlessly and will haunt your nightmares forever and ever. :-D
yup, you sure know.......