skeletonbow: Don't get upset about it though, if someone starts doing that just ignore start ignoring them. :) hehe
mondo84: I don't like to ignore people or hold grudges, though. :)
I'm just a bit baffled right now - I honestly didn't see a good ~7 PMs someone sent. The system didn't bump that contact up to the top of the messages list. I just saw these PMs now, and I have no idea how to respond to them given what they contain.
I was just kidding of course. :) The GOG website's notification mechanisms are rather broken for the most part and seem to have been that way for quite some time. Not just PM notifications but game update notifications, forum posts/replies, etc. I'll see a notification for a game, update it and the downloader goes green, the website number vanishes and some time later the update shows up in the downloader mysteriously again and it's the same game - but it has not been updated, and doesn't show up as an update on the website anymore. It wont go away until I contact GOG support or wait possibly several days etc. It doesn't happen every time for updates/PMs/forum posts, but it happens frequently enough that it's in need of some serious web developer love for sure.
Fortunately though the good folks at GOG are hiring right now and have a number of web developer positions available so hopefully one of them will have their work cut out for them. hehehe
One trick that seems to work for me with some of the broken notifications is - just go to sleep. When I wake up, half the time the problem was fixed during my sleep. :) Was it GOG? Who knows! Could have been cosmic rays!
Yeah... cosmic rays...