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lugum: no unfortunately i am missing just a few inches. :(
thespian9099: Keep practicing...

... you could always become a star in a circus and come out with the bearded lady. :p
but i already am the bearded lady in a circus. well not technically a lady, but i got manboobs so everyone believes i am :p
N0x0ss: This thread has sunk quite low.. not to mention that the comments are just plain disgusting.
you don't have to be here..

it's your mind in the gutter if you believe we talk about certain other things.
Post edited June 19, 2012 by lugum
N0x0ss: This thread has sunk quite low.. not to mention that the comments are just plain disgusting.
People talk like this all the time here(I mean on GOG in general.)'s all in good, manly man style fun. :)

I don't see why you're so upset over innuendo. :P

Post edited June 19, 2012 by GameRager
N0x0ss: This thread has sunk quite low.. not to mention that the comments are just plain disgusting.
If you can not beat them...

... join them.

Do not be upset, N0x0ss. A little humor never hurts.
thespian9099: Keep practicing...

... you could always become a star in a circus and come out with the bearded lady. :p
lugum: but i already am the bearded lady in a circus. well not technically a lady, but i got manboobs so everyone believes i am :p
N0x0ss: This thread has sunk quite low.. not to mention that the comments are just plain disgusting.
lugum: you don't have to be here..
Or you could refrain from posting unrelated garbage on this topic :)
N0x0ss: This thread has sunk quite low.. not to mention that the comments are just plain disgusting.
GameRager: People talk like this all the time here(I mean on GOG in general.)'s all in good, manly man style fun. :)

I don't see why you're so upset over innuendo. :P

that's an ass is it , is it? :p
lugum: but i already am the bearded lady in a circus. well not technically a lady, but i got manboobs so everyone believes i am :p

you don't have to be here..
N0x0ss: Or you could refrain from posting unrelated garbage on this topic :)
no :) why? so you won't get confused when something is posting a code in between you so desperatly seeking here one to grab?
Post edited June 19, 2012 by lugum
lugum: that's an ass is it , is it? :p
Homer Simpson: Dunno if serious......

It's actually a Gluteus Maximus. ;)

/silly mode off

(It's actually two eyes slantily looking at the person being replied to, in bepuzzlement.)
Post edited June 19, 2012 by GameRager
GameRager: People talk like this all the time here(I mean on GOG in general.)'s all in good, manly man style fun. :)

I don't see why you're so upset over innuendo. :P

lugum: that's an ass is it , is it? :p
N0x0ss: Or you could refrain from posting unrelated garbage on this topic :)
lugum: no :) why? so you won't get confused when something is posting a code in between you so desperatly seeking here one to grab?
I'm sorry you feel that way.
N0x0ss: Or you could refrain from posting unrelated garbage on this topic :)
I have a feeling if such off-topics shenanigans didn't happen in here on a regular basis this thread wouldn't be as lively as it is/has been. With less people posting, there'd probably be less chance people would be posting codes for people to you should consider it a good thing people chat in here.
And back to personal attacks ...

So sad... :(

GameRager: I have a feeling if such off-topics shenanigans didn't happen in here on a regular basis this thread wouldn't be as lively as it is/has been. With less people posting, there'd probably be less chance people would be posting codes for people to you should consider it a good thing people chat in here.
Post edited June 19, 2012 by thespian9099
How about some games?
lugum: that's an ass is it , is it? :p
GameRager: Homer Simpson: Dunno if serious......

(It's actually two eyes slantily looking at the person being replied to, in bepuzzlement.)
D'oh! :p
don't use Steam, but thanks for the gesture!

Damn, I played the demo of that game and loved it.
Don't use steam neither, but thanks +1.
Can someone please explain me what is the problem with Steam? No issues so far, so I'm curious...
thespian9099: And back to personal attacks ...

So sad... :(
A bit childish, but we all need to vent sometime....right?

Hopefully it'll all work itself out in here between the parties involved. :)