Posted December 09, 2013
Austrobogulator: So, um, I was thinking before, if DRM-free becomes the norm everywhere, what will GOG's point of difference be?
Their excellent support and well-written installers? I'm a bit spoiled by those when I contrast them to the plain ZIPs I sometimes get from other DRM-free vendors. But really, worrying about this is like worrying what all the soldiers are going to do when we stop fighting wars.
Only in Anglicisation, I believe, where you get things like strasse for street. Similar to how sometimes the double-dotted-i gets left out of naive, or the c-cedilla in facade. The words are still more properly written straße, naïve, and façade, they just get converted by English typists who don't have familiarity with generating the extended characters.
Post edited December 09, 2013 by IAmSinistar