Sachys: Teshra, whilst I do not dispute some of your observations, you post
is a little "ranty" for someone who rarely is seen to post in these forums, and who (even rarer still) has anything but a "rant" to post.
You are free to disagree of course, but I don't think you're helping in any way right now.
Its your prerogative to see things however you want to, just like its mine to see things how I see them. Just because I don't post in this thread at all hours of the day shouldn't preclude me from voicing an opinion on what I observe going on or be accused of a ranter. It may make me one of those "undeservers" you guys frequently speak of but every time that word comes up, it always sounds like people would prefer it become a private community to keep all the newcomers out. All the while forgetting they too were new once.
This thread used to be a lot more friendly and fun and yah, I used to post in it. Not that I need to explain myself and my posting habits, but I don't have the time nor inclination to post in here all the time like a lot of other people do. If that makes me an undeserver and public enemy here, so be it. And even if I don't post in this thread, I post in plenty of other threads from time to time but since they may not be of the gifting variety, you may not have seen them. That doesn't make me ranty as you eloquently put it. I come in here 2, maybe 3 times, a day and hope to get lucky with a code for a game I'd be interested in instead of going for every single game that is offered up here and on steamgifts. But I don't complain (rant) about it or try to say "ooh, too slow" or "is that game really any good" with the hopes someone else sees that and decides to reward me. Tried and true method of getting codes as you have probably observed and opinionated on.
But over the last 8 months or so, while we've had great newcomers like Tarnicus, Schnuff, IAmSinister, blakstar etc., I've also noticed the greed from so many others that come thru this thread and make it their new home as well as those who were already here when I was new. It explains partially why so many people on the other side of the world are awake until dawn regularly and posting in this thread instead of sleeping as most free games are often offered up during the US evening/night. I rarely see any of the conversation as its happening anyways but tonight I did and so, I commented. But I don't chide those who spend days and pages exposing the virtues of sausage and poo on a regular basis. To each their own and if they get joy out of it, great. But honestly, w/o the giveaways, people wouldn't be trying to be friends with others here trying to network it into free gaming connections. And the non-sensical chatter would quickly go the way of the dodo. If you guys are happy here, I have no problem with that. But please, lets call a spade a spade when its so obvious what it is. I'll still make my usual 2-3 passes in here a day, see whats going on and move on. Hope you can be ok with that?