DyNaer: yeah , yeah , but NO :P
checked for Risen 2 / Fallout NV (since the boxed version require Steam) , nothing about Steam x_o
I could give you many games example in this case
The colonel must be in Valve's Spec. Force ;)
niniendowarrior: I don't remember about a requirement stating Steam, but I do seem to remember the box saying internet connection required. Shrugs.
That's strange i remember some time ago , it was written.. (unless i have memory trouble...)
but it SHOULD be written.
Reason : Imagine a customer at the webpage of the product , if there's no picture provided about the back of the box , he's cluless ...
Plus the Sream version ain't a real game, it's a backup copy of a Steam product. You put the CD/DVD in the drive, Steam download the files instead to restore the files present on the CD/DVD. Trust me restoring the content from the disc save you a lot of bandwith.