Yesterday's hidden code was taken; now, regarding not-so-common-knowledge of games, movies, comics... another thing ->
10 - The _ * _ _ _ _ made him believe he couldn't use it, and all because he wanted his phone call.
5 - He later discovered that he had never used his _ * _ _ in the real world.
3 - The movie and the sequels were directed by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ brothers.
9 - You only see her without it in one of the * _ _ _ _ _ _ promoting the movie.
2 - A different, older actress was casted for her role in the sequel, which is loosely based on the game number *
7 - The game number * does not include the number in the title, and it's a prequel to the first one.
12 - He lost his jaw during a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * duel.
4 - His master was _ _ * _ _
13 - His apprentice was * _ _ _ _ _
11 - Oh my god, what did they do to _ _ * _ _ _ _ _? Not just his face, but the whole character... it's just horrible.
1 - The main protagonist, * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, didn't deserve this movie as his origins.
8 - Charles * _ _ _ _ _ appears, too. He looks young, thanks to the magic of CG effects.
6 - Number of words in the title of the gifted game (+1)
Post edited September 12, 2013 by rodrolliv