Stooner: do not play games with my mind!..
Transcripted Tarnicus: I didn't realise that bundle was out but I definitely wont be buying it. It seems pretty poor value as far as bundles go and has little that interests me in it.
I need caffeine as my concentration is waning and I stuff up in Disciples. Ah the learning process is fun I guess :)
Stooner: From these, I like Machilda and Anderson Silva.
I like also Jose Aldo...
nice.. let him play.
Thanks! ;p
Tarnicus: Jose Aldo has amazing leg kicks! Didn't he used to play football? (soccer) That's good training for MMA, great for cardio and kicks :)
darkplanetar: Anderson is 39 years old... his body can't take the punishment like it used to;
you should try to watch Ronaldo Souza he's going vs Okami Tarnicus: Jacare is brilliant - he does some of the most amazing submissions. That should be a great fight! Ookami = wolf in Japanese :) MunkiSiren's dog looks like a black wolf :) I guess if her dog were Japanese, it would be called Rurouni Ookami :P