Psyringe: I don't think the situation is "serious" enough for that right now. If that ever happens, it's probably an option. Its effect would be limited (since few people tend to read such texts), but it wouldn't do any harm either.
Not sure if I'm understanding you correctly. I think you're talking about the coexistence of several "games" in this thread - we have the "quickness" game (where the code is given as a link or as plain text, and you just need to click or enter it), the "riddle" game (where the code is decrypted in some way), and the "obfuscation" game (where the code is hidden at places where you wouldn't usually look for one, like editing it into an old post). If you're suggesting that a "script-grab" game could coexist with those, then my answer is: theoretically yes, but it will destroy the "quickness" game, or at least the "quickness" game would need to be adapted into a form that prevents the scripts from simply taking over. Even then, the coexistence would be somewhat fragile, since not everyone who's gifting a code might be aware that scripts are around (and are accepted), and that could lead to frustration (as already happened). In the end, trying to make room for a script-grabbing game might entail more problems than it's worth. It's a rather hypothetical scenario though, imho.
Yes, I understand that part of our discussions deals with principles and hypothetical situations. :)
In chess (which was your example), you'd simply give the superior player less time to plan his move. If a participant in a competition agrees to a handicap, then usually a way can be found to implement one. It's the agreement that's more likely to become a problem. ;)
Wait, so the problem is "serious" enough for several in here to suggest ways to fix it & several others to worry over it, but not serious enough to warrant using a few minutes to write a few lines of text somewhere telling people to be aware of said "problem"?
This was merely a hypothetical to show that the thread/it's users could employ more than one option of those I listed, and that using just one(Banning scripts/allowing scripts/trying to prevent scripts with various methods) didn't have to be the only option or choice. And also to illustrate how the thread could be made less "futile" than you seem to think it could be(By your earlier reply.) if scripts were allowed/tolerated by "ninjas" in the thread.
As for people not being AWARE that scripts are around/used/tolerated here by some/all, well there's always writing about such as I suggested earlier. Yes, not everyone would read it, but it would help mitigate some of the problem.
Cool beans. :)
What if the player didn't need much time to plan his move or had the game played out in their minds in various ways before going into the game? ;)