Tarnicus: I'll use the first reply system most of the time. When I'm not sure when I'll be back on (such as now, time to collect kindling for the fire) I won't as I don't wish to read back through pages and pages to find the first reply :)
With that said, the first to reply to each of these gets Painkiller: Overdose or Vessel or Crusader Kings Complete. Just reply with the name of the game you want, and the first for each gets it when I return (whenever that may be! lol)
Austrobogulator: Ok...Vessel!
Code PMd :)
Spinorial: Worst ninja instincts EVER!
I log off, just before Tarnicus posts the codes. Then I come back, and get insta-sniped by Austro :P
I am, however, severely disturbed that Tarnicus's posts are not green. Why are they not green?! MOAR GREEN!!!
Do you want Vessel? I've got another code if you do :)
As you'll notice, a lot of my giveaways of late have been the same games from a certain bundle. I'm doing this to even out what I have left and give me a better idea of how many individual games I have to giveaway, in preparation for the mass giveaway Ive been meaning to do for weeks. At the rate I'm going, it's looking like it will be a birthday giveaway. I definitely better get it together by the 30th :)