H3xx: I guess bots can be programmed to snatch keys, but not show a little freakin' appreciation for once. :\
nadenitza: I dunno if they are bots, more likely an instant RSS feed attached to the thread. I think such exist, as in when someone posts the tool will instantly show you the users post so they can snatch the key faster. It gives you a little bit of advantage (4-5 seconds?) but it is enough. Not as slow as hitting F5 to refresh the whole page, or spotting the new post and scrolling all the way down to read it ;)
This sounds logical two, maybe both systems are used by different people, sadly in part it falls to the gifter too, If you're ok knowing your key will be most likely snatched by a bot or a RSS feed geek, then is ok.
Now if you don't want your key go to waste like that there are other ways as vastly said in this thread to gift such* key.
In the end it's a matter of choice :)
Edit: (*) hehe