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Theta_Sigma: Will do, whenever it arrives. I pre-ordered one last year when I had a little surplus of money, and have been waiting patiently since. I partly pre-ordered it, rather than kickstart supported it to cover my ass in case it either had of turned out to be a scam (not likely but still being safe, and Visa insures everything I purchase on my credit card), or turned out I didn't want one/had to bail on it.

Either way, I look forward to plugging it in and giving it a go. I will gladly post my views on the device once I've had a chance to tinker with it, and find out what it has to offer and what might be pitfalls to owning it. :)
it sorta makes me think of the moment i felt when i managed to get a xbox 360 controller to work with my android tablet and realised i could also use its hdmi out to my tv. just the possibilities i was like now thats cool. then again sadly dont have that tablet any more. anyways so please let us know how you get on im living vicariously through you now im skint. hay i have to get my technology goodness from somewhere ya know?!
chezybezy: hay im impressed, we can be civil wow *faints*
Sachys: Even better: how stereotypically British can the mosque get?! - Total fart in the face of the EDL / BNP / UKIP etc!
i know right?
thats the problem its the extremists that causes the er problems / feelings. all you need to do is listen to that guy they get in on BBCR2 every now and again. its like a breath of fresh air.
Post edited May 27, 2013 by chezybezy
Theta_Sigma: Will do, whenever it arrives. I pre-ordered one last year when I had a little surplus of money, and have been waiting patiently since. I partly pre-ordered it, rather than kickstart supported it to cover my ass in case it either had of turned out to be a scam (not likely but still being safe, and Visa insures everything I purchase on my credit card), or turned out I didn't want one/had to bail on it.

Either way, I look forward to plugging it in and giving it a go. I will gladly post my views on the device once I've had a chance to tinker with it, and find out what it has to offer and what might be pitfalls to owning it. :)
chezybezy: it sorta makes me think of the moment i felt when i managed to get a xbox 360 controller to work with my android tablet and realised i could also use its hdmi out to my tv. just the possibilities i was like now thats cool. then again sadly dont have that tablet any more. anyways so please let us know how you get on im living vicariously through you now im skint. hay i have to get my technology goodness from somewhere ya know?!
Sachys: Even better: how stereotypically British can the mosque get?! - Total fart in the face of the EDL / BNP / UKIP etc!
chezybezy: i know right?
thats the problem its the extremists that causes the er problems / feelings. all you need to do is listen to that guy they get in on BBCR2 every now and again. its like a breath of fresh air.
I had that moment too when I plugged in my USB controller on my tablet. Moments that make you go "HMMM". There is potential for this setup and Ouya seems to be a nice possible route to take for these machines. Still, the PR for the device is almost non-existent and we are 1 month away from the actual launch!!!
niniendowarrior: <snip>
seriously a month?! should link up with a supermarket chain easy PR then. just limit it for what 2 months exclusive, then sell it as per normal.
niniendowarrior: <snip>
chezybezy: seriously a month?! should link up with a supermarket chain easy PR then. just limit it for what 2 months exclusive, then sell it as per normal.
Check out the wiki page. June 25 retail launch... aaaaand, people barely know it exists.

They could do that exclusive sale deal, but I don't think it's enough. An indie developer hooked up with GAME for a day to demo Ouya a few days ago. There was interest, but not enough to preorder the box.
chezybezy: seriously a month?! should link up with a supermarket chain easy PR then. just limit it for what 2 months exclusive, then sell it as per normal.
niniendowarrior: Check out the wiki page. June 25 retail launch... aaaaand, people barely know it exists.

They could do that exclusive sale deal, but I don't think it's enough. An indie developer hooked up with GAME for a day to demo Ouya a few days ago. There was interest, but not enough to preorder the box.
GAME were involved and i didnt know about it?! mega fail then. :(
chezybezy: GAME were involved and i didnt know about it?! mega fail then. :(
GAME are a megafail! - hence the merger with Gamestation! ;)
niniendowarrior: Check out the wiki page. June 25 retail launch... aaaaand, people barely know it exists.

They could do that exclusive sale deal, but I don't think it's enough. An indie developer hooked up with GAME for a day to demo Ouya a few days ago. There was interest, but not enough to preorder the box.
chezybezy: GAME were involved and i didnt know about it?! mega fail then. :(
Really looks that way! Ouya' biggest problem, it seems, is getting the word out. Seriously, where's the guy making the PR rounds? If they need tips, just turn on CNN and see how the White House manipulates the news.

Here's the guy who did the demo and his thoughts on his little Ouya show.
Post edited May 27, 2013 by niniendowarrior
chezybezy: GAME were involved and i didnt know about it?! mega fail then. :(
Sachys: GAME are a megafail! - hence the merger with Gamestation! ;)
yes i know but still, its the only high-street game retailer, and they manage to get some/all of the usa exclusive preorder bonuses i support them when i can. and although it pisses me off in-store prices are like £5 more than online (rant about AC:M et al and Halo 4 [though seeing as i did get that at midnight i cant really moan]) its a sad day to see them go under.
Sachys: GAME are a megafail! - hence the merger with Gamestation! ;)
chezybezy: yes i know but still, its the only high-street game retailer, and they manage to get some/all of the usa exclusive preorder bonuses i support them when i can. and although it pisses me off in-store prices are like £5 more than online (rant about AC:M et al and Halo 4 [though seeing as i did get that at midnight i cant really moan]) its a sad day to see them go under.
No. Gamestation and GAME were the only high street retailers for gaming. GAME's business model put them to the shit. Unfortunately one facet of the merger was to maintain GAME's business model, not Gamestations - the FIRST game trader store in the UK, The FIRST to do preorders and so on...

(can you tell I'm a mate of the original owner! heheh! - not having a go btw - just sick of seeing pro GAME comments by people I know - particularly in York where it started!). :P
Sachys: GAME are a megafail! - hence the merger with Gamestation! ;)
chezybezy: yes i know but still, its the only high-street game retailer, and they manage to get some/all of the usa exclusive preorder bonuses i support them when i can. and although it pisses me off in-store prices are like £5 more than online (rant about AC:M et al and Halo 4 [though seeing as i did get that at midnight i cant really moan]) its a sad day to see them go under.
I don't know how big GAME is, but it sure sounds like they have a pretty significant... and nobody still knew about the Ouya.
Sachys: <snip>
i had both in my town, but every time i went in GS cost more and were preowned so i never used them. every time i tried i always walked out, to me (please brace yourself for this comment!) it was like a game only cex in my mind.
wait i tell a lie, i picked up a preowned GBA from them a while back to relive my GB and GBC memories. what a money sink on ebay that was for games lol - still trying to sell some of them off even now!
e: it was York based well i never knew that, explains a comment earlier about a halo 4 console i was asking about though!
e2: also i was meaning Game is the only one now, unless your saying gamestation is still around all over the place?

niniendowarrior: I don't know how big GAME is, but it sure sounds like they have a pretty significant... and nobody still knew about the Ouya.
yeah thats sort of the point i was trying to make! that and i nip in once a week for a look around. i tell a lie i think i saw a small box on the website about this device last week, meant to read up about it then never did!
Post edited May 27, 2013 by chezybezy
chezybezy: also i was meaning Game is the only one now, unless your saying gamestation is still around all over the place?
technically its still gamestation, GAME is dead, but due to certain overlooked clauses in the contract the GAME branding lives and the business model (all of which was crap and caused the merger in the first place). It's mostly GAME stores that closed too - or reopened in towns with both, but with the gamestation staff as they had a clue about anything (in most GAME store I went in the staff were from other retail drives / casual gamers!).

But yes, first gamestation store was on gillygate york - where i (ten - fiteen years later) worked for the owner fot he original in one of his latter investments - a metal bar / venue!
it was also (to memory - though someone may have info otherwise) the first trade in store of its kind in the UK - "any game plus £5 for any other game! *we do not accept sonic the hedgehod, altered beast or other shit you got free with your console when you bought it!"
chezybezy: yeah thats sort of the point i was trying to make! that and i nip in once a week for a look around. i tell a lie i think i saw a small box on the website about this device last week, meant to read up about it then never did!
Oh... now that you mention it... I found the GAME page on it. Marketing fail. LOL;articleId=214786&amp;storeId=10151
awh i wonder if i was outa the country then?!
now that is a trade in policy!!!! i need that on a t-shirt!
maybe ive been lucky with the staff ive bumped into the last few years, mind you i have totally ignored some and located the 'gamer' type when i had a question :P
chezybezy: yeah thats sort of the point i was trying to make! that and i nip in once a week for a look around. i tell a lie i think i saw a small box on the website about this device last week, meant to read up about it then never did!
niniendowarrior: Oh... now that you mention it... I found the GAME page on it. Marketing fail. LOL;articleId=214786&amp;storeId=10151
if i recall there should be a link to it in the bottom left of the home page of if its still there that is. and maybe a rolling banner at one point too but im too lazy to look tonight :)
Post edited May 27, 2013 by chezybezy
Evidently I was sleepwalking at some point after I left the thread last night - I found out a coupla hours ago I got a copy of Unmechanical added to my shelf last night. After some detective work it appears I redeemed some $9.99 discount code for the game meaning i must have redeemed a random code from GOG's FB or twitter (or similar?! O_o).

Weird as that is it can only mean one thing: BOW TO YOUR NINJA GOD!!!


Well, unless anybody has a better idea of what went on?!