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GameRager: (Also not trying to be mean but imo requirements go against the "nature" of this thread....just saying.)
keeveek: No, they don't. I am not giving up my game keys to another reincarnation of Anasto, because I know there are at least few of them right here, right now.

My keys, my rules, sorry.
Yes but this is the NINJA thread, where people are SUPPOSED to drop keys for ANYONE to grab. If you want to limit who gets codes/games then make a contest and give them out that way....again, imo limiting who gets codes in such a manner is against the nature of this thread, imo.

(Other limits, like making the code drops encrypted/scrambled[or otherwise harder to input by a ninja] are more acceptable, imo.)
keeveek: No, they don't. I am not giving up my game keys to another reincarnation of Anasto, because I know there are at least few of them right here, right now.

My keys, my rules, sorry.
GameRager: Yes but this is the NINJA thread, where people are SUPPOSED to drop keys for ANYONE to grab. If you want to limit who gets codes/games then make a contest and give them out that way....again, imo limiting who gets codes in such a manner is against the nature of this thread, imo.

(Other limits, like making the code drops encrypted/scrambled[or otherwise harder to input by a ninja] are more acceptable, imo.)
If you want to tell people how they should administrate their keys, maybe you should start your own forum. People were doing such limitations for a long time (but you were gone for a long time, so why would you know that?) ever since scammers like Anasto showed up. If some people are ok with keys being snatched by them, it's ok. I don't, I post my requirement.

But I have a strong feeling you have some personal crusade against me (you feel the need to reply to my posts just to tell me I'm wrong, even though I don't direct my posts to you), so feel ignored. I will not read your reply to this post, nor any other post you ever produce.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by keeveek
keeveek: Sorry I excluded you. I am here much longer than you, and I was observing this thread for quite a time. People get disappointed that their keys got snatched by people who didn't even say thanks, or by scammers like Anasto, just to use them for trade later.
I wanted to give my key FAST, without big requirements (I guess I should have made it before Jan 2013 OR with 15 rep, I give you that), just to exclude lurkers and scammers.
I thought such requirements are low enough to warrant not creating a new thread. And I was right, because it took less than 5 minutes and somebody claimed the prize. No need to lecture me about what this thread should be. People posted giveaways with requirements, with very hard to solve riddles etc etc for a long time in this thread.
My next giveaway will have less requirements, only to exclude lurkers and scammers, and not legitimate users.
The things is, people don't have to say thanks here. Yes, it's good manners to do so, but this thread(again) isn't for getting thanks/+1s, it's to give games away to anyone who can get them quickest.
Excluding anyone still goes against the nature of this thread, though. This thread(again) is to allow generous souls to give games out and allow anyone to grab them(even lurkers/leechers).
I don't think I was being THAT lecturing....also the purpose of this thread that I stated earlier IS what this thread was created for(The OP even stated this earlier ITT.).

Also riddles and other challenges(encrypting codes/etc) don't limit who can snatch a code(usually) as much as other requirements(rep/time on GOG) do.
That seems fairer, at least.
I had to read all the previous pages to catch up with was going on... until I reached this. The only requirements were "first to reply", and "(must have at least 15 rep and be registered before Jan 2013)"...?

I have to say, I agree with keeveek on this one. Not only him, me too, Ian, and many others have been doing this for a long time, since October, to prevent the keys to end in the hands of ungrateful people and scammers. It is a valid way to give the keys to legitimate users, because you have to be fast enough to reply the post. I don't understand why the hassle... is a normal practice here.

He only added the easy to get others requirements, not a big deal.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by Azrael360
keeveek: If you want to tell people how they should administrate their keys, maybe you should start your own forum.
People were doing such limitations for a long time (but you were gone for a long time, so why would you know that?) ever since scammers like Anasto showed up.
If some people are ok with keys being snatched by them, it's ok. I don't, I post my requirement.
But I have a strong feeling you have some personal crusade against me (you feel the need to reply to my posts just to tell me I'm wrong, even though I don't direct my posts to you), so feel ignored.
I will not read your reply to this post, nor any other post you ever produce.
I wasn't telling you how to administrate your keys on the forum, just that in THIS THREAD it's really not nice to do so. I was giving my POV on the issue, not forcing you to act a certain way.
They did so, though(afaik/iirc), by making contest threads with requirements(or posting elsewhere and listing requirements...)...this thread is not for giving stuff with attached requirements, though.
And that's your right, but again this isn't the right thread for giving stuff with attached limits on who can have them.
I was gonna be civil here, but I must ask "Is it windy up there on that cross of yours?" I'm not on any sort of crusade against you & I only offered my opinion because I felt your requirements went against the purpose/intent of this thread. I didn't force you to stop doing such, I merely gave my opinion in a somewhat civil manner.

But go ahead, twist my intent and make me look like the bad guy if it makes you feel better.
Fine, act like a child over some simple advice.
Azrael360: The only requirements were "first to reply", and "(must have at least 15 rep and be registered before Jan 2013)"...?
I have to say, I agree with keeveek on this one. Not only him, me too, Ian, and many others have been doing this for a long time, since October, to prevent the keys to end in the hands of ungrateful people and scammers.

It is a valid way to give the keys to legitimate users, because you have to be fast enough to reply the post. I don't understand why the hassle... is a normal practice here.

He only added the easy to get others requirements, not a big deal.
According to WPegg the thread wasn't made with such limits in mind(There are several other threads and the ability to make personal contest threads for people who wish to impose such limits on their giveaways, after all.). He even stated this several pages back.

(By limits that go against the nature of this thread I meant rep/join date limits, not making riddles/encrypting codes/etc which I agree with.)
IIRC, most of the time this was/is done through innocuous/more reasonable methods such as encrypting codes/riddles/etc. These at least give everyone(even those with low rep and very recent join dates) a fair shot at getting the games. Join date limits and rep requirements automatically exclude certain people and aren't as reasonable, imo.

(I get that some want to keep games out of the hands of scammers, but that's why forumers[as I mentioned earlier] have other threads where they can post giveaways with such requirements, and the ability to create giveaway threads of their own. It's not like not being able to make such limits on giveaways in this one thread limits anyone from making such limits on giveaways across the entire site.)
Mind if I have some?

(As long as it's not Fenixp's "chocolate covered popcorn"......that's just nasty.)
To Keeveek: I'm sorry if I came off as rude or if it seemed as if I was trying to tell you what to do. I just think that limits such as rep/join date ones go against this thread's nature(As OP has also mentioned), and as such I mentioned my thoughts on the matter. If I upset you I am sorry, and I hope there's no major ill will between us over this "squabble".
Post edited March 27, 2013 by GameRager
But Wpegg doesn't have an exhausting authority over what people make of his thread...
I agree with Azrael and Keeveek since having codes just vanish in the Internet nirvana does get very annoying and spoils the fun of giving anything. I really fail to see why someone would make this a matter of principal in regards of keeping the original arbitrary rule-set when it obviously struggles to handle the situation appropriately.
I understand your point of view, and I respect that. All started back in October, and from then, because a few users, the most known was Anasto, created multiple accounts (and editing the country of origin) interpreting as a different person each time to cheat and scam many people. Now they are caught after a couple of weeks at most, but to prevent that, every gifter has implemented a different way to gift theirs games.

There was a huge discussion back in October/November in this thread about that. And although now these rules had been softened, is very common the "reply first" and from time to time, the extra requirements. That's why I understand the position of keeveek in giving his game. Me too, after October, I have used the "first reply" a few times. Maybe keeveek wanted to gift his game fast, instead of creating a different thread for a giveaway. So is understandable to think in the Ninja Thread to gift something fast like he did.
Robette: But Wpegg doesn't have an exhausting authority over what people make of his thread...
I agree with Azrael and Keeveek since having codes just vanish in the Internet nirvana does get very annoying and spoils the fun of giving anything.
I really fail to see why someone would make this a matter of principal in regards of keeping the original arbitrary rule-set when it obviously struggles to handle the situation appropriately.
No, but it's good manners to respect an OP's intentions behind/unwritten rules concerning a thread is it not?
Yes, but you all have MANY other threads for preventing such things(personal giveaway threads and other threads where anyone can give games with stricter requirements)......this is the only(afaik) thread that is setup for people to give out games specifically without limits to anyone who can get them quickest. As such, you can see why I would rather that "beauty" wasn't spoiled by bringing rep/join date requirements into the giveaways here.
As I just said, if one wants to keep scammers from getting codes there's plenty of other threads for that...why force such things into this one as well?

Azrael360: I understand your point of view, and I respect that. All started back in October, and from then, because a few users, the most known was Anasto, created multiple accounts (and editing the country of origin) interpreting as a different person each time to cheat and scam many people. Now they are caught after a couple of weeks at most, but to prevent that, every gifter has implemented a different way to gift theirs games.
There was a huge discussion back in October/November in this thread about that. And although now these rules had been softened, is very common the "reply first" and from time to time, the extra requirements. That's why I understand the position of keeveek in giving his game. Me too, after October, I have used the "first reply" a few times. Maybe keeveek wanted to gift his game fast, instead of creating a different thread for a giveaway. So is understandable to think in the Ninja Thread to gift something fast like he did.
And if one wants to prevent scammers from getting codes there are many other threads for that/ways to do that. It;s not like being asked not to impose such limits in this thread prevents gifters from imposing limits in other threads/gifting their games with such limits in other threads, right?
I never meant to say he shouldn't do it, though....just that I felt it went against this thread's nature(I also wouldn't want to see everyone/many more starting to do it & this thread turning into a not-so-ninja thread.). I never meant to try to impose my will on anyone or upset him & I hope he didn't get too upset over what I said.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by GameRager
GameRager: As I just said, if one wants to keep scammers from getting codes there's plenty of other threads for that...why force such things into this one as well?
Yeah, think of all those unfortunate scammers and con-artists out there that aren't meeting their quota. Have a heart, people.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by stoicsentry
GameRager: And if one wants to prevent scammers from getting codes there are many other threads for that/ways to do that. It;s not like being asked not to impose such limits in this thread prevents gifters from imposing limits in other threads/gifting their games with such limits in other threads, right?
I never meant to say he shouldn't do it, though....just that I felt it went against this thread's nature(I also wouldn't want to see everyone/many more starting to do it & this thread turning into a not-so-ninja thread.). I never meant to try to impose my will on anyone or upset him & I hope he didn't get too upset over what I said.
I think you exaggerating a little here. It's thread for giving away games in fast way, that's all.
Wow.... 1101 pages already !
N0x0ss: Wow.... 1101 pages already !
its only 400 pages you 20 post a page buffoon
Post edited March 27, 2013 by cj13810
N0x0ss: Wow.... 1101 pages already !
cj13810: its only 400 pages you 20 post a page buffoon
Actually, it is 1101 pages. It says it right on the top and the bottom of the page.
Post edited March 27, 2013 by dracomage1996