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Drelmanes: I have no problem with them taking some games, but "thank you!" is the least you can say for the generous souls here. I don't regret down repping draco.
It's not you I have issue with(and I admire your honesty), but those who downrate every single thing someone posts to "get back" at them for doing something they don't like here.

Agreed on the thank you thing, btw.
SirEyeball: Seriously both Seanobi and dracomage stay of this thread or it will shut down I implore you. This is the best thread on the forum we have some giggles and sweep some games. You should not ruin that use the rest of the forum rebuild your image and when you have a better standing and people have forgotten past transgressions you can come back to this. It reminds me of when I smoked and worked as a teacher. Everybody wanted to stay in the smokers lounge for the breaks because we had a good time even the non smokers some could pull it of and others not those that couldn't withdrew to the nonsmokers and we all got along. This is the smokers lounge and you need to withdraw to the nonsmokers for a while. To quote chandler from friends Seriously feel the room.
GameRager: If people only feel like giving games to people they like(barring not giving to actual scammers, which I believe is a fair reason to not give things away) then that's their right, but imo if they feel the need to pick up their "ball" and leave the room just because someone they(personally) don't like/trust might take what they're offering then that's just a load of manure.

Imo people should forget the past(unless it was something actually serious like proven scam attempts) from the get go & be the "better men", and not force people to "prove themselves" just because some don't trust those being accused.
You are completely right but that does not change the fact that if enough people take their ball and leave this thread is dead. That is a basic fact. The gifters are the kings of this thread and rightly so. We can have a non gifting thread with pleasantries but that would not be a ninja thread.
That being said Dracomage and Seanobi should not be blamed for doing a silent Ninja a lot of people have done that and how are you to know who got the games. I know in this instance the thank you thread was taken down so no Silent Ninja. I think it is OK to down vote the threads that are offensive but if you really want them to learn start by showing what is right and what is wrong in stead of instantly Down voting all.

In the end this thread will die if there is no love and trust between us forum dwellers. This is a delicate balancing act and you fell. Use the safety net and slowly crawl back up is all I am saying so as not to offend the great and generous gifters who keep this thread alive.
Momo1991: Please see my PM...
I'm currently reading it/juggling several open threads but I will get to it in a half hour or asap.
Sachys: So... everythings more fubar than it was when i stumbled to bed drunk.
I demand MORE Fubar!
Elvin37: The thing I wonder is is are they even going to play half the games they take I mean if its just going to sit there and collect dust forever why not let some one else that really wants it have it.

I personally never take too many games maybe one once in a while, I don't create a massive backlog for myself I play maybe 1 or 2 sometimes 3 games at a time then I look for more once i complete those for me there is no point in trying to gain more games if you already have over 5 to play that you haven't even started yet, its just the kind of person I am I like giving others better chances to get what they really want.
To be fair I am guessing at least 1/4 of those who ninja games or enter contests don't play them right away & also probably have a big backlog. Some just like to collect things, I guess. :\
Ain't not no-one closing my thread!

I don't know when this became some kind of communist sharing thing, but it started out as a simple winner gets the game competition. The only thing that was disliked was scripting, partly as it gives an unfair advantage, mostly because it suggests that the person doesn't particularly want that game, just any.

Yes, a thankyou is preferred. However you put something on the ninja thread, expect it to be ninja'd. If you want to start up a thread that is all about civil giveaways, by all means do. It's not a bad idea, some kind of steamgifts equivalent where you only go into the pot if at some point you've put in yourself. However that's not what this threads about. It's a nice place for people who aren't able to put in, to get something out, and for those with more than they need to distribute it (hey, perhaps it is some communist sharing thing).

tl;dr - This is a ninja thread guys, expect ninjas.
Sachys: So... everythings more fubar than it was when i stumbled to bed drunk.
I read that and suddenly I though about alcohol(fubar) I the only one who thought this?
Raging. one of those days where everything goes wrong, and just as you start to get on the rigth track, other people start to mess it up for you!

"Ape shit chimp frenzy" barely describes whats gonna happen if this continues! heheh

* throws dummy out of pram
Elvin37: The only time i saw draco do something wrong is when he was pestering Ian but I forgave him since then and for seanobi it was when he kept trying to trade in this thread after he has been told not to but that has been forgiven aswell
And kudos to you for being such a forgiving and reasonable person. +1 *shakes hand* :)
you can't have any! ITS MINE ALL MINE!
Actually something I was chatting about before - was gonna message you on it in fact when I had a better idea of what it was and get your feedback.
I'm sure their probably is a "FU-Bar" somewhere
Post edited March 16, 2013 by Sachys
Post edited March 16, 2013 by Momo1991
aye but you can be a polite nice and decent ninja though?
i think the main issue here is people are rubbing people up the wrong way, then asking how can i make amends then given friendly advice for said amends and then ignore that advice.
have i understood the general theme?
Elvin37: The only time i saw draco do something wrong is when he was pestering Ian but I forgave him since then and for seanobi it was when he kept trying to trade in this thread after he has been told not to but that has been forgiven aswell
GameRager: And kudos to you for being such a forgiving and reasonable person. +1 *shakes hand* :)
Haha at least I tried giving advice which seems to have just been brushed off as many others have also tried I'm sure it wouldn't have come to this if they had listened, but thanks for the kind words! +1
SirEyeball: You are completely right but that does not change the fact that if enough people take their ball and leave this thread is dead. That is a basic fact.
The gifters are the kings of this thread and rightly so.
We can have a non gifting thread with pleasantries but that would not be a ninja thread.
That being said Dracomage and Seanobi should not be blamed for doing a silent Ninja a lot of people have done that and how are you to know who got the games. I know in this instance the thank you thread was taken down so no Silent Ninja. I think it is OK to down vote the threads that are offensive but if you really want them to learn start by showing what is right and what is wrong in stead of instantly Down voting all.
In the end this thread will die if there is no love and trust between us forum dwellers. This is a delicate balancing act and you fell. Use the safety net and slowly crawl back up is all I am saying so as not to offend the great and generous gifters who keep this thread alive.
Not's possible others will take their place(I know this is a possibility as I/others have popped in and offered games as well when we never did such before.).
Those deserving of the title can be such all they like(and deservedly so), but when the kings start acting(not all do but a small few do) like despots then it's time for a regime change, as it were.
Unless everyone started dressing in black and hiding in the shadows, maybe. ;)
I've been a victim of this myself(being silently downvoted en masse for senseless BS[when I said something that some didn't agree with or set someone off on a certain day]). As such, I guess I "feel" more for people that get the same treatment.

(This isn't to say I haven't been a right arse and deserving of the downrate on occasion, because I have.)
I agree that they should be civil but as long as they harm no one I don't think they should be barred from posting in here with polite comments.
wpegg: Ain't not no-one closing my thread!
tl;dr - This is a ninja thread guys, expect ninjas.
Not no one not no how, even? ;)
And drinking.....lots and lots of drinking.....0.o

(But yeah, THIS......+1[I'd give more if I could, but sadly I can't no more boss.:(])
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager
Drelmanes: I have no problem with them taking some games, but "thank you!" is the least you can say for the generous souls here. I don't regret down repping draco.
GameRager: It's not you I have issue with(and I admire your honesty), but those who downrate every single thing someone posts to "get back" at them for doing something they don't like here.

Agreed on the thank you thing, btw.
I don't do this, I only down repped draco here. I'll not pursue him in the forum to downrep every post :p
But I agree with others that they should wait some time before posting here again.