SirEyeball: You are completely right but that does not change the fact that if enough people take their ball and leave this thread is dead. That is a basic fact.
The gifters are the kings of this thread and rightly so.
We can have a non gifting thread with pleasantries but that would not be a ninja thread.
That being said Dracomage and Seanobi should not be blamed for doing a silent Ninja a lot of people have done that and how are you to know who got the games. I know in this instance the thank you thread was taken down so no Silent Ninja. I think it is OK to down vote the threads that are offensive but if you really want them to learn start by showing what is right and what is wrong in stead of instantly Down voting all.
In the end this thread will die if there is no love and trust between us forum dwellers. This is a delicate balancing act and you fell. Use the safety net and slowly crawl back up is all I am saying so as not to offend the great and generous gifters who keep this thread alive.
Not's possible others will take their place(I know this is a possibility as I/others have popped in and offered games as well when we never did such before.).
Those deserving of the title can be such all they like(and deservedly so), but when the kings start acting(not all do but a small few do) like despots then it's time for a regime change, as it were.
Unless everyone started dressing in black and hiding in the shadows, maybe. ;)
I've been a victim of this myself(being silently downvoted en masse for senseless BS[when I said something that some didn't agree with or set someone off on a certain day]). As such, I guess I "feel" more for people that get the same treatment.
(This isn't to say I haven't been a right arse and deserving of the downrate on occasion, because I have.)
I agree that they should be civil but as long as they harm no one I don't think they should be barred from posting in here with polite comments.
wpegg: Ain't not no-one closing my thread!
tl;dr - This is a ninja thread guys, expect ninjas.
Not no one not no how, even? ;)
And drinking.....lots and lots of drinking.....0.o
(But yeah, THIS......
+1[I'd give more if I could, but sadly I can't no more boss.:(])