Elvin37: Never let anyone play games like pokemon my friend lost over 200 hours on his ruby game due to his friend wanting to start a new game but he said he wouldn't save also that is pretty ouch circle of the moon was quite a grind for 100%
niniendowarrior: That doesn't really help.
I have 100% saves of Castlevania: CotM and Kirby: Canvas Curse and one day, I popped them back in and noticed the saves were gone.
the only thing i can remember doing that with was my halo 2 legendary play through. admittedly on pc and it was my last segment but i was offline too so it wasn't recognised in my achievements or anywhere else to prove it :(.
my mythic play through of halo 3 however i was more pissed about having to restart, until i started again in coop with a buddy and then it was awesome!