tarunmutreja: Yeah that is what the problem is.. they usually provide separate keys for all the games in the bundle...
F4LL0UT: In my experience they don't. I don't have all bundles but I think the keys are always grouped. There's one key for the $1+ package, another key for the "beat the average" package and IIRC there's usually another one for all games that are added when the bundle has already been available for some time.
Stupid story btw: I basically only bought the bundle for the OSTs and Saints Row as I already owned all other games, HOWEVER, I only had the "Eastern" version of Darksiders which did not contain the original English language version and does not support Steamcloud, so I wasted all other games just to finally get the English version of that one. Gotta *love* Steam and HB. -.-
I have only purchased a humble bundle before this one i guess it was bundle 4... and i have received keys for all the games included in the bundle
Yeah its a great bundle...but i guess its mainly due to the fact that THQ really needs some money right now... as they were on the verge of pulling the shutter on the company
F4LL0UT: In my experience they don't.
Braussie: The only time I've experienced them giving individual steam keys is for the Android bundles. All other ones I've purchased have 1 mass key that unlocks all the games you purchased. You're redeeming a Humble Bundle Key, not individual game keys.
Steam does not give you extra keys of duplicates you have unless it's explicitly stated that they will. I forget what few game bundles will let you have the extra keys (I think they may be Valve specific bundles).
I had no idea Humble bundle carried out publisher bundles... thought this THQ bundle was an exception... I have recently come to know about them so still learning ;)