Theta_Sigma: THIS IS MY STEAM KEY!!! That bastard fucking ripped me off, I even have the conformation email the key is from. He redeemed it, this is the one that prick offered me the GOG version of stranger's wrath for!
shadowmirage: I suspected as much, after I read your recent post on the "known scammers" thread. This is a truly despicable person, and I hope that life will eventually teach them a cruel lesson. I'm truly sorry for what happened to you :(. I wish I had a Resonance key to gift to you. If there's anything you like from my
classifieds post, feel free to PM me. I don't have much, but I think you deserve a pick-me-up :).
I think we need to be much more careful on GOG in the future, and spread the message that there is a scammer lurking on the boards to those who do not yet know about him/her.
Actually, Resonance was mine. I worded that poorly, he was offering me Stranger's Wrath on GOG as a trade...but your well wishes are appreciated none the less. And, yeah, thieves like that are beyond contempt. I really think someone like that should have their games striped from them and given to those he's ripped off, but the likelihood of that happening is slim to nil. But, yes, again we SHOULD spread the word about the scammer that's just not cool at all.