cheeseslice73: Don't compare Two Worlds to Diablo. They're not even close to in the same league.
If Two Worlds was fractionally as good as Diablo, I'd have no complaints.
Anamon: And here we go again with the unexplained opinions - you cannot impose your own standards and tastes on other people.
I haven't reviewed Two Worlds, because I don't think I've played it enough to genuinely give it a fair shake. I also wasn't attempting to impose anything. I'm sure there are some people out there who genuinely love Two Worlds, and I trust that by saying that I don't enjoy it much, it won't affect their own enjoyment of the title one jot. (frankly, if it does, you might want to consider that perhaps you weren't really enjoying it that much in the first place).
As to why the two shouldn't be compared, it's because I think that Two Worlds can only look worse for the comparison.
Technically, Two Worlds is leaps and bounds ahead of Diablo.
Diablo is hard to fault, though. It's a fantastically well refined game design. The levelling curve, the introduction of new elements, the careful balance of recieved loot. Even thoughtful elements like the static "hub" section and dungeon levels randomly generated with every new playthrough... Diablo is a certified genre classic for a reason, and it's addictive qualities were honed to a razor edge. It would not surprise me
in the slightest to find that World of Warcraft used exactly the same loot tables as it's older sibling.
It may also interest you to know that Diablo did actually have a rather deep and engrossing back-story (much of which was covered in the surprisingly weighty manual) rather than directly in the game. A lot of people tended to click through the words though, and at heart, Diablo is a roguelike which means it has a plot you can summarise as "reach the bottom of the dungeon and kill the capital D".
To summarise, Diablo is one of very few games I have gone from playing the demo of at 6pm one evening to owning a full retail copy of the game by mid-day the next day. It being a successful game has nothing to do with that (though it being a successful game might well be attributed to the fact that it's a bloody good game).
trusteft: Please don't even joke about Diablo being an RPG, action or not.
It's a freaking dungeon crawler at best. Borderlands is more RPG than Diablo.
Diablo is basically a graphical
roguelike, the scion of a million text-based RPGs, stripped down (only a little) to be a lean, mean, action-based looting machine.
As such, I believe that it's undeniably an RPG (though as you say, it leans heavily towards the exploration and dungeon-crawl elements - that's fine, though, many games take different parts of the D&D experience and do their own thing with them).