"This pack contains the original Two Worlds along with two expansions: Tainted Blood and Curse of Souls" <- Please add the version number there, in the gamecard.
Nice, GOG. I'll buy it just because it is open-world, comes drm-free, pre-patched and with the two "expansions".
Now, we need Gothic 3 fully patched on GOG. ;)
MichaelFurlong: Hmmm, I am not really into These massive open RPGs ( I tend to get bored). However I have been meaning to give one a try, what should I go for:
Two worlds
Risen Gothic
Any others worth mentioning?
ArcaniA: Gothic 4,
Two Worlds 2,
both coming out this year.
I guess you should play Morrowind/Oblivion first, before getting your ass kicked in the other mentioned games.
Starkrun: Oblivion GoTY edition if you like fantasy and love the ability to do what you want
Thats all i can recommend looking into. Vikings: Battle for Asgard was amazingly fun. Short as games go unless you are an explorer and take your time... i loved it though, wonderful buy.
I'm willing to play Spartan: Total Warrior and Viking: Battle for Asgard, too bad they are for consoles only.
Anamon: As others have said, "old" is a relative term. I think it's all about what benefit a GOG release offers - especially in the games business where games disappear from shelves 3-6 months after release, and good luck finding an original copy of a 2 year-old game. This is not movies or music or books, where publishers actually care that their back catalogue remains available.
Objecively bad movies often become cult hits. As long as the technical execution and production quality is fine, you will find people who like it.
Totally agreed with those two sentences.
I'm not saying that Two Worlds is excellent, I've never played it but I will. Just agreeing that some 2,3,4,5 year old games are already hard to find and aren't available on digital stores. So finding such game on GOG and drm-free, is a bonus for the gamer.
When... When game publishers will wake up?