Aliasalpha: Frankly I think a lot of the hate directed at both Mass Effect & Fallout 3 are from people afraid of change
Cerepol: I personally think the hate behind FO3 are the generic RPG elements which have little to no impact on your character. You can reach the max level20 (or 30 with Broken Steel) less then halfway into the Story and by that time it's easy to have maxed skills and maxed stats and be more or less a God in the game. It doesn't help that the game is massively unstable and crashes at the worst times (when saving, middle of firefights, opening the pipboy). Be as that may I am addicted to FO3 and am still playing it. I just wish they forgone the name Fallout and released it as a new IP.
Could be. I never really understood some people's intense dislike of Fallout 3, myself. Sure, it played nothing like Fallout 1 or 2, but... and I realize this sounds somewhat counterintuitive... the gameplay doesn't completely make a game what it is. For me, the most important parts of the Fallout franchise were things like the setting. Getting the setting right... capturing the dark, bleak humor of the Fallout 'verse... giving the player the feeling that they really were wandering a gritty, almost empty post-apocalyptic wasteland... these were the most important parts of Fallout. If you didn't have these things, even if the combat engine and what-not was exactly the same as Fallout 1 and 2, it still wouldn't be a Fallout game. Likewise, in my view, if you had the aforementioned stuff, you could have a completely different engine under the hood, and it would still be Fallout to me.
Sure, Fallout 3 was basically Oblivion with a different setting. But it was Oblivion in the Fallout setting. Hence, it -was- a Fallout game to me, and I loved it. And I really need to get the DLC for it and go through it, because Dadgum it, my Vaultie wants her spiffy Gauss rifle! :D