N0x0ss: A better example would be if Bonnie shot an italian and Italy decided to burn all the domestic houses, destroy schools and kill the american children, because the police could not catch bonnie.
Lebanon Is NOT a neighborhood of Israel, please avoid such comparaisons, Israel has no rights whatsoever on my country.
As I stated before - If the terrorists are hiding among the populace of your country (lebanon) and attack another country (Israel) - Then Israel has every right to defend itself, especially if the country harboring the terrorists (Lebanon) does not stop the terrorist groups attacks. I am sorry that innocent folks get killed but that is the main reason for the mass exodus of civilians from Lebanon is the past. I have a few friends who were part of this exodus.
N0x0ss: Furthermore, the Hezbollah is different from Hamas; it's not internationnaly recognized as a terrorist organisation, and it isn't in its actual agenda (contrary to regular belief) to destroy Israel but to protect the borders from the frequent Israeli inflitrations and potential threat. It has also as an objective to retake the chebaa farms that has been confiscated since the Lebanese Civil war (Although it is problematic wether it is Syrian or Lebanese property) and other territories that do not have ANYTHING to do with Palestine.
The last purpose of the Hezbollah wich by the way has only existed since the civil war (divided from the Amal groupe) is to protect the interests of the Chiite population in lebanon. Basically it's a whole big mess, and Hezbollah isn't always sending rockets from abroad like the Hamas is.
I think you are a bit off here. As Stated in the Hezbollah Manifesto (2009) itself:
"We categorically reject any compromise with Israel or recognizing its legitimacy, this position is definitive, even if everyone recognizes “Israel”.
Our stance on the negotiations and compromises made by the Madrid Conference, the “Araba Valley Retrospect” the “Oslo Accords”, the “Camp David Accord” is a total refusal to any kind of compromise with the Zionist entity, which is based on admitting its legitimate presence, and giving in what it occupied from the Palestinian Arab and Islamic land. This stance is predetermined and permanent and isn’t set for any compromise, even if the whole world admits to “Israel”.
If you read the whole document you will get a better understanding that "Occupation" has nothing at all to do with Lebanon and everything to do with Israel existing in the middle east.