sk8ing667: I'm not that kind of a girl mister, go find a bramha or something.
That there is from Tandi of Fallout 1, one of the only girls in the wasteland who qualifies as moderately attractive.
Unfortunately, the Vault Dweller's overly forward approach to her was met with derision. Let this be a lesson to you all, guys; take the girl out for dinner and a movie FIRST, form a deep and enduring friendship SECOND, and go for third base LAST. I don't know why no one seems to get that order right...
My turn again!
"On which planet were you born?"
"Kashyyyk. I'm a Wookiee...can't you tell?"
"What is your background?"
"I'm a Hutt in human form planning to overthrow the Republic."
"How old are you?"
"3012. Healthy living, you know."
"I see you intend to be childish about this."
EDIT: Blast. I got ninja'd! Does this make it DarrkPhoenix's turn?