Prator: I'm not 100% certain, but I think that Sarevok from Baldur's gate may have said that. I need to start replaying it. I'm starting to forget stuff...
You're correct. It's the first line he says, during the opening cutscene, making it the first thing you EVER hear him say. Nice character introduction...
sumppi: I wonder why he didn't start harassing the other stepsisters/brothers, but instead chose the protagonist as his nemesis. Certain chirpy thief/mage comes to mind...
Edit: Silly me. I just watched the intro again. I had forgotten that Sarevok had already hunt down many of them, so there were not many of them left =P Quite a good intro in my opinion. Especially the Nietzsche quote As for my quote, " *Censored* reminds you that there are only one-hundred-sixty-three shopping days until Christmas. Just 1 extra work cycle twice a week will give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one."
That quote there is from System Shock. My turn again!
Two hints: First, this game is available on GOG. Second, this game is not related to Lord of the Rings in any way.
"I am Gandalf, wielder of Glamdring and slayer of the Balrog."