Virama: Character 1 : "My wife has been tasting another man's hotdog. Maybe he has the footlong with the special sauce. I want to know whose meatballs have been in her spaghetti."
Character 2 : "You're living in metaphor hell, my friend."
I got five things to say to that...:
#1. That's terror.
#2. That's terror.
#3. Your quote is from GTA: Chinatown Wars
#4. It's MY turn.
#5. That's terror.
Now then...
"All this time we got the fable of Sleeping Beauty wrong. The prince didn't kiss her to wake her up. No one who slept for a hundred years is likely to wake up. It was the other way round. He kisses her to wake himself up from the nightmare that has brought him there."
Edit: Bah, Zstrifer ninja'd me...