Wraith: The entire Half-Life series: Sorry, but I think the Half Life games aren't anything special. Yes, Half Life was revolutionary as a game when it came out, but it's one of those games I start playing only to get incredibly bored with it 2 hours in. Even when it was new. It had frustrating combat, annoying platforming sequences, and a story that really didn't make much sense. And let's not even get started on Xen. HL2 was, again, a good engine, but still, the story and hype over it is something I will never get.
Man, there were times where two hours of PC gaming in one session were perverse and it's probably still bad for your health. It is perfectly fine, if you get bored after two hours. The atmosphere and level-design were really good, with exceptions. It has a good shooter engine and enemies spawn in a less annoying way than in Doom. The monsters and bosses kick ass, the arsenal also.
Wraith: Halo: This got me in a huge fanboy argument on Youtube, but I stand by it. Halo would have been a better game had it been released on PC/Mac since it would have at least offered more variation on environments. However, after seeing their choice of level design, I doubt it would have made that much of a difference. It's a very lackluster game and I never understood the joy for it when it came out. Note that I am only referring to Halo, not the sequels, as I have only played and beaten the original.
It is pale, indeed. It was originally developed for PC and Mac in 1999 and at that point in time its large world, the physics engine and the level of cooperation possible as well as the graphical details looked almost revolutionary. Then MS bought Bungie and made it an XBOX-exclusive title until until it was ported to the PC 19 months after the original release, in October 2003. It was even after the Battlefield 1942 release. It was just a good, conventional shooter at that point in time.
Neobr10: I understand all the hate PC gamers have towards Halo, but i really can't understand your argument. How could Halo be a better game if it were a PC exclusive? There aren't that many design changes between a PC and console shooters apart from a few technical choices. Heck, Doom 3 was released on the first Xbox (and it was quite a decent port), same goes for Half Life 2, and these were nearly identical to the PC versions (obviously the Xbox couldn't keep up with PC graphics and frame rates, but overall the games were the same).
To be honest, most of this "blame bad design on consoles" is just BS. As an example, there are many people who blame consoles for the 2 weapon limit in FPS games. Weird thing is that no one complained when Crysis had the 2 weapons limit, and that was a PC exclusive title for a long time.
It mostly depends on what platform a title is originally developed. HL2 and Doom 3 are both PC titles first and were then ported. When it is the other way around, the relative lack of computing power shows up in the game-play. Less enemies appear usually at one point in time. Many functions are not developed due to time-constraints. Sometimes they forget to allow for saving the keyboard-commands or use consolish menu-styles without a mouse cursor.
In Crysis they made that rational two-weapons decision and it worked. Though, many people modded it or just used a cheat.