Fever_Discordia: To all the people that said the original Deus Ex was overrated - I'll say one thing for it, being JC Denton for the length of the game totaly ruined being Sam Fisher for me!
What you mean there's ony One Way through the level? That One Way actually involves walking around at street level and not over rooftops / through the sewers? What? you mean the plot is all 'West is best' and 'Yay America' with no sinister conspiracy theorys
Whole game definately felt like a huge step backwards after Deus Ex - maybe it's more about Splinter Cell being bad than Deus Ex being Good though?
Actually, nope, Deus Ex is awesome!
I played 2 Splinter cells after deus ex. I liked those, very much. Haven't really given a chance to splinter 3.
But deus ex overrated.. Never in my book.