Gundato: The dude whose house got burned down got screwed, plain and simple. Forensics is not perfect.
stonebro: It'd probably be different if they tried to apply some real forensics in the investigation. Forensics
is perfect as long as there is evidence to find and people competent enough to find it. If there isn't any evidence, then congratulations, perfect crime.
I have a morbid fascination for that show of yours, COPS. Or "police brutality hour" as I like to call it. Some of the cases on that show are so blatant that I'm surprised it went on the air. Of course, you have a fucked up crime situation and so there's plenty of source material. A norwegian channel recently started shooting a norwegian version of COPS. The contrast was ... stark. "Tonight on Norwegian COPS ... the police has to respond to an epileptic seizure at the town square!"
Yeah, way to make yourself sound educated and informed...
COPS is not indicative of the average police officer. It would be like assuming every single african american family needs to use fifty paternity tests to figure out who the father of a child is, or that every french girl tends to take off all her clothes before she washes a car for the "stuntman" in a given film. :p
And contrary to popular belief (I blame CSI. mostly because I prefer NCIS anyway ;p), forensics is NOT the be-all-end-all of investigation. From what I skimmed of the wiki page on that guy, there WAS some evidence to suggest an accelerant was not used (admittedly, it was inconclusive). But the problem was, there was inconclusive evidence in a case with investigators of dubious quality.