orcishgamer: Drug laws, possession is a stupid thing to incarcerate folks for, alcohol kills more people yearly than every illegal drug combined in the US. The serious addicts need treatment or at least medical care, not incarceration.
Gundato: Maybe. But drug possession and the like are crimes in more than just the US. Hell, I think most "european" countries tend to have it, to varying degrees.
orcishgamer: Video taping officers, people have been arrested for taping a cops (who were incidentally out of line) for violation of things such as wiretapping statutes.
Do you know more details on the law? I have never heard of a law like this, so I suspect it was actually something else they got arrested for.
orcishgamer: Possession of a Bony Fish, by treaty with Honduras it is a flipping felony to possess Bony Fish. I know you don't know what one is and probably will never have one, but it's a felony. I bring this up to illustrate how stupid our treaty laws are, there's piles of them.
Pretty much every nation has a few "treaty laws" as it were.
As for this particular one: I don't know all the details (neither do you :p), but I suspect it is also partially due to maintaining the environment and all that other hippie crap.
orcishgamer: Obeying officers orders and having the audacity to sit there and get your butt kicked for it (see the Peter Watts case), the jury was kind enough to convict Peter Watts of "obstructing a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer" instead of nullifying the case.
I don't know all the details on this one, but just looking at the first result when you google it (which is INSANELY biased in his favor), he "argued" with a police officer (somehow, I suspect he was not perfectly calm) and refused to get back into his vehicle. At which point, he resisted the officer.
It sounds bad, but think about it this way. Rather than it being a nice old author with an agenda, let's pretend it was a huge person. Let's pretend it was the unholy bastard child of Ahnold, Stallone, Jean Claude Van Damme, and Vin Diesel with training from Jet Li. In other words, a scary bastard. Now, would the cops using force to keep said person from completely ignoring their authority (and possibly being a threat) be a bad thing?
Also, I am pretty sure every single country on the face of the planet has laws regarding people resisting arrest and obstructing an officer.
orcishgamer: Admitting you watered your mom's medical marijuana plant when you are 17, and then she let's her medical card expire for one week, you are tried as an adult for endangering a minor.
Do you happen to have examples of this?
orcishgamer: Sending a booby shot of yourself on your phone from 16 year old girl to 16 year old guy, you are brought up for felony child porn.
Age of consent issues. It sucks and is a pretty grey area (wasn't aware they were charging the minors for child porn, thought it was other stuff), but it is just a case of the law being limited. What age do we make the cutoff for child porn? is it no longer child porn after they start looking "hot"? Or do we stick with the age of consent? It is a very complicated question.
orcishgamer: Watching your children burn to death and then having the bad luck to get a fire inspector that relies on what experts call "witch craft" to assess the cause of the blaze will get you put to death even after exonerating evidence, by actual experts with actual training, has been presented:
http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/09/07/090907fa_fact_grann Looking through that, I don't actually see any information pertaining to the case itself, just a crapton of fluff to get us to feel bad for the family. So I went to wiki instead, which was focused more on the investigation
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham Yeah, that one looks somewhat botched, but it isn't cut and dry either way.
That being said, Texas is VERY death-penalty happy. That is a big problem that nobody really denies. So I'll let you have this one.
orcishgamer: Oh wait, you don't have to ever have charges brought against you, you can go to Gitmo as an American citizen now, no you may not have an attorney or have your habeus corpus rights. No, your family will likely not be told where you are. The president knows it and thinks it's "okay":
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article7092435.ece or any of the other 1000s of articles on the subject.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't get thrown in gitmo just for being of arab or korean descent. You might get thrown in for knowing Neil Patrick Harris, but some things just can't be avoided :p
That being said, Gitmo isn't a part of those statistics everyone keeps citing. So it can't really be the cause. :p. And I won't really get into that any more beyond that, since it starts to become a question of national security versus never hearing about anything bad happen.
orcishgamer: Geez man, even talking to the cops can get you convicted of something you aren't even guilty of. By all means watch a law professor explain it to you:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8z7NC5sgik and then watch an actual cop say "everything he said is true"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08fZQWjDVKE and admit to using all the tactics.
Gasp, admitting illegal stuff to cops is a bad move?
That being said, you generally don't end up talking to cops in that fashion unless they have reason to suspect you. Admittedly, sometimes that reason is racial/socio-economic bias. But either way, I would like to see any cop in the world not act if someone admitted a crime to them (regardless of if they did it).
orcishgamer: And don't forget the police can charge you with whatever and drop the charges later, usually with impunity, and meanwhile your name is dragged through the mud in local papers (and immortalized online forever) and you pay thousands for legal defense.
That is actually a problem of the news media, not the police. Blame Nancy Grace and our love of schadenfreude for that one.
Would you prefer the government and police control the news media to prevent this from happening? Would that make us more free? :p
orcishgamer: We joke about anal rape in our prisons. Seriously, that is unbelievably sick that we let that go on. Would it be okay if one of those guys raped a gal? But no, since you're in prison you probably deserve to be raped too, and in the one place you're very unlikely to be able to find any psychological support afterward.
*cough*prisoners' rights*cough*
And actually, there is a LOT out there to help prisoners cope. Unfortunately, most of them turn it down out of fear. Nobody wants to admit they were raped (it means they are "gay", and most people have the mental maturity of a 4-year old and attribute "gay" to mean "loser"). And often, they are seen as targets because they are "weak". Getting help isn't going to change that. It sucks, but I doubt there is a country in the world with prisons full of happy people.
Seriously though, you raise a lot of semi-valid points. But what there makes us less free? Most of those apply to pretty much any "european" country.
Is the system perfect? No. But are we less free because of our legal system? No. Are we less free because we have a lot of people in prison? No.
No amount of persuasion is going to convince you. My brother in law sat on the grand jury for one of these. There is video tape of Peter Watts being detained, the you can read accounts of the jurors posted online in which they say he didn't argue with the officers. No, most European countries will not send you to prison for years and years for possessing a minor amount of drugs (unless you were trying to sell it), in fact in a few they'll simply force you to seek treatment.
The point of the Bony Fish story is to convince you that you can't know all the laws you are violating. My point, therefor, stands. There's more than a "few" treaty laws.
You don't know what you're admitting to to a cop might be illegal, man, that is the point. Also, you don't have to have actually done anything wrong, please watch the first half of the "Don't talk to the cops ever" video to understand why.
Again, nothing I can say will convince you, that is the problem with our country, we lose freedoms right and left, but we've all been weened on "the American flag, BOOYAH, I feel so patriotic." It makes me sick. Just wait until you've pissed off a cop and see, even if you were doing nothing wrong.